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例句 The University conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.大学授予他名誉法学博士学位。He came over from the States to be made an honorary Fellow of the College.他从美国赶来,接受学院授予的荣誉研究员头衔。The Queen awarded a knighthood to the famous actor.女王将爵士头衔授予这位著名男演员。He has won the greatest honours his craft can bestow.他获得了自己所在行会能够授予的最高荣誉。The bar was refused a music licence.这家酒吧被拒绝授予音乐使用许可证。They presented the award to him in absentia. 他们在他缺席的情况下授予了他奖项。The jury has awarded the prize for best exhibit in the show to Harry Pearson.展会评委会把最佳展品奖授予了哈里・皮尔逊。Congress delegated all the emergency powers to the president.国会授予总统一切应变权力。These are the highest distinctions that have ever been given by our government.这些是我国政府迄今授予的最高荣誉称号。The Pope granted him the purple.教皇授予他红衣主教的身份。He was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his work for charity.他获授予爵士头衔,以嘉奖他为慈善事业所做的工作。Last year's degree ceremony was in the main university building.去年的学位授予典礼在大学的主楼举行。The church voted to allow women to be ordained as priests.教会投票同意授予妇女圣职。The Queen recognized his services to his country by awarding him an MBE.女王授予她大英帝国员佐勋章,以表彰她对国家的贡献。Some protection for victims must be written into the enabling legislation.对受害者的一些保护必须写进权力授予法。The university will confer an honorary degree on the governor.那所大学将授予州长荣誉学位。The law invests the shareholders with legal rights.法律授予股东们以合法权益。The university has done me the signal honour of making me an Honorary Fellow.这所大学给了我极大的荣誉,授予我荣誉董事的头衔。The prize is awarded annually for the best new building.这一奖项每年一次,授予本年度的最佳新建筑。She teared up as the award was presented to her.当奖项授予给她时,她眼里涌起了泪水。The university conferred an honorary doctorate on her.该大学授予她荣誉博士学位。For him the Church's decision to allow the ordination of women had been the last straw.教会同意授予女性神职的决定使他终于忍无可忍。The university bestowed on/upon her an honorary degree.这所大学授予了她荣誉学位。The Queen has bestowed a knighthood on him.女王已经授予他爵士头衔。Last night Phil Donahue was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.昨天晚上,菲尔·多纳休被国家电视艺术与科学学院授予终身成就奖。He was given commendations and bravery ribbons.他被多次授予奖状和英雄勋带。He claims he was denied tenure because of his political views.他声称因为个人政见而被拒绝授予终身职位。The Act confers powers of search and seizure on the police.该法案授予警察搜查和扣押的权力。She went through the degree ceremony without getting too nervous.她不太紧张地参加完学位授予仪式。The actors are very good, but when all is considered the laurels must surely go to the director of the play.演员的表演很出色,但如果综合考虑,这份荣誉应该授予该剧的导演。Our government has invested the representative with all the necessary powers to resolve the dispute.我国政府已授予这名代表一切必要的权力来解决此次争端。He was granted land by the state.国家授予了他土地。The Army posthumously awarded him a medal for bravery.他死后美国陆军授予他英勇勋章。A school has honoured one of its brightest and most promising former pupils.一所学校给曾在这里就读的最聪明、最有前途的一位学生授予了荣誉头衔。The Supreme Court's decision practically gives the police carte blanche to order everyone out when they stop a car.最高法院的判决实际上是给警察部门授予了全权,允许他们拦截汽车时可命令车上的人全部下车。The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of recognition for his years of service.牌匾授予格兰特是对他多年来的服务的认可。The government recognized his bravery in the battle by awarding him the Military Cross.政府授予他十字勋章以表扬他英勇作战。Jody has invested Alan with great power over her career.乔迪在她的事业上给艾伦授予很大的权力。Schools award scholarships for high academic achievement.学校向学业成绩优异者授予奖学金。The treaty gave Edward III sovereignty over Calais and the whole of Aquitaine.这一条约授予爱德华三世对加来和整个阿基坦大区的主权。




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