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词汇 clocks
例句 Next week it'll be time to put the clocks forward an hour.下周就要把钟表拨快一小时了。The clocks are ticking away.这些钟正嘀嗒嘀嗒不停地走。Many clocks have a second hand, a minute hand, and an hour hand.许多钟有秒针、分针和时针。The clocks go back tonight.今天晚上把钟往回拨。When summer time ends, clocks must be put back an hour.夏时制结束时,必须把时钟拨慢一个小时。All the clocks in the office are out of sync. 办公室里所有的钟显示的时间都不一样。He likes to monkey with old clocks and engines.他喜欢摆弄旧钟和引擎。In those days church clocks were corrected from sundials.过去,教堂的大钟根据日晷校正时间。With no clocks and no daylight it was hard to gauge the time.既没有钟,又不见日光,很难判断时间。The clocks have been advanced one hour.钟已拨快一小时。Don't forget to turn the clocks back tonight.今晚别忘了把钟拨慢一小时。Antique clocks from all over the world are on display.来自世界各地的古玩钟正在展出。There was the endless ticking of clocks.钟表发出无休止的嘀嗒声。His other interests included collecting and restoring antique clocks.他的其他兴趣包括收集和修复古钟。Both clocks are still in good working condition. 两个钟都仍然运转良好。Most European countries put the clocks forward in the spring.大多数欧洲国家会在春季将钟表拨快一小时。He spends his time taking apart old clocks and watches.他的时间就用来拆旧的钟表。The clocks go back in October.十月份时间拨回一小时。Government workers were made to punch time clocks morning, noon and night.公务员早、中、晚都要打卡。We set the clocks ahead one hour for daylight saving time.我们按照夏令时把时钟往前拨了一个小时。Some pulsars keep time better than the earth's most accurate clocks.某些脉冲星发送脉冲比地球上最精确的时钟都准时。




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