例句 |
The election campaign was straitjacketed by lack of funds.竞选运动因经费不足而捉襟见肘。I was unemployed and struggling financially.我失业了,经济上捉襟见肘。The town's a little pinched for money.这个城镇财政上有些捉襟见肘。Small businesses are being squeezed by heavy taxation.重税使小企业在财务上捉襟见肘。She was living on a small, fixed income and having trouble paying her bills.她靠一份微薄的固定收入生活,开支捉襟见肘。The army's supply lines in the area along the southern border were stretched dangerously thin.部队在南部边境地区的补给线已经捉襟见肘,岌岌可危。A lot of people are having a hard time making ends meet.许多人生活捉襟见肘。 |