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词汇 挨饿
例句 There was nothing to eat, so we had to go hungry.没有什么可吃的,我们只好挨饿了。The Milanese were starving, and forced into surrender.米兰市民在挨饿,他们被迫投降。Her mother may be starving, for all she cares.她母亲可能在挨饿,她才不管呢。They were famishing for food.他们因缺乏食物而挨饿It's very bad that tons of food are going to waste while people are starving.一方面数以吨计的粮食被浪费,另一方面人们在挨饿,这情况真是糟糕。The land is bountiful and no one starves.这片土地物产丰富,没有人挨饿Numerous people were mown down by starvation.无数的人因挨饿而一批批倒毙。She really laid it on - saying that her kids would starve if we didn't give you a job.她真是在装可怜—说什么我们要是不给你一份工作,她的几个孩子就会挨饿了。The poor family was famished for food.那家穷人因缺少食物而挨饿I packed him a little food so he wouldn't get hungry.我给他包了一点吃的东西,这样他就不会挨饿了。Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.生病挨饿的难民都是战争中流离失所的人。In these places people starved, were flogged, were clubbed to death.在这些地方人们挨饿、遭鞭笞或被乱棍打死。There are people out there who are starving because of your actions.在外面有人正在因为你的行为而挨饿If the crops fail again this year thousands of people will go hungry.如果今年庄稼仍歉收,成千上万的人就会挨饿Many too famished simply died on the way.很多极度挨饿的人在途中就死掉了。Ms Walker said she only started stealing because her children were hungry.沃克女士说她是因为孩子挨饿才开始偷东西的。It's not right, in this day and age, that people all over the world are still starving.在如今这个时代,世界各地还有人在挨饿,这是不合理的。Getting food to starving people does nothing to stop the war.挨饿的人们提供食物对制止战争毫无帮助。Whoever else goes hungry, he won't.不管别的什么人挨饿,他不会。The poor starve and the rich feast.穷人挨饿,富人吃喝。We need good food to nourish the starving infants.我们需要好食品滋养这些挨饿的婴儿。I work hard so that my family may not go hungry.我努力工作,为的是我的家人不会挨饿It's a sight better to work than to starve.工作总比挨饿要好得多。From talking to former prisoners in the camps, an obvious conclusion is that they have been starved.通过和从集中营出来的囚犯谈话,一个很明显的感觉就是他们一直在挨饿Judy decided I was starving myself.朱迪认定我在让自己挨饿The land is bountiful and no one starves.这片土地物产丰富,无人挨饿They were starving and covered with sores.他们在挨饿,身上长满了疮。Those people are starving.那些人在挨饿The poor dog looked like it had been starved.这条可怜的狗看起来一直在挨饿When Diana met the starving children she was overcome with pity and outrage.黛安娜见到挨饿的孩子时心中充满了怜悯与愤慨。The onset of the Depression meant starvation and suffering for millions of people.大萧条的开始意味着数百万人要挨饿受苦。You throw food away, and meanwhile children are starving all over the world.你们把食物扔掉,而全世界都有儿童在挨饿My children are hungry, I need a job.我的孩子们正在挨饿,我需要一份工作。I can't get the pictures of those starving children out of my head.我忘不了那些挨饿的孩子们的照片。We can't justify wasting food when half the world is hungry.世界上有一半人在挨饿,我们没有理由浪费食物。He locked them in a room and left them to starve.他把他们锁在一间屋子里,任由他们挨饿The money will be used to help starving children around the world.这笔钱将用于帮助世界各地挨饿的儿童。The idea of children suffering from hunger made him sick at heart.一想到孩子们在挨饿他就很难过。The people are starving and they need all the food and medical supplies we can give them.那里的人民正在挨饿,他们需要我们尽量提供食物和药品。He said the only alternative was to starve the people, and he said this could not be allowed to happen.他说唯一的其他选择就是让人们挨饿,又说这是绝对不允许发生的。




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