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词汇 helping
例句 He spent a week helping rejig the wireless.他花一周时间帮着检修无线电。A government lending programme is helping the region develop its economy.政府的贷款计划正在帮助该地区发展经济。She was grooved in the business of helping her mother in the house.她已习惯于天天帮她母亲做家务。He devoted his life/time to helping the poor. = He devoted himself to helping the poor. 他一生都致力于帮助穷人。You're not helping the children by mollycoddling them - they have to grow up sometime.你娇惯孩子对他们没好处——他们总得长大的。I had an extra helping of meat.我多吃了一份肉。Well, I got three people interested in helping, so if they all turn up trumps, we should reach our target.好了,我有三个人愿意帮忙,所以如果他们都来助一臂之力的话,我们就能实现目标了。He has three postgraduates helping him with his research.他有三名研究生帮助他做研究。I don't mind helping - it'll give me something to do.我愿意帮忙—这样我就有事可做了。Instead of helping, they just sat and sneered.他们不帮忙,反而坐在那里嗤笑。We need to investigate all possibilities for helping these children.我们得研究一切可能性来帮助这些孩子。I admire her fire for teaching and helping children.我钦佩她对教育和帮助孩子们的激情。The issue is helping the police to level down the force they need to use.这一议题将有助于警方减少所需投入的警力。You'll get bugger all thanks for helping them.你帮他们,连句谢谢都得不到。I see helping the community as one of the key elements of my work.我将帮助社区作为工作的最重要部分。They have devoted their time to helping the sick.他们把时间都用于帮助病人。The workshops are geared towards helping people to become more employable.研习班旨在帮助学员提高就业能力。Truly, I don't mind helping.我真的不介意帮忙。Once a user himself, Gary now works as a counsellor helping other addicts.加里曾经是个吸毒者,现在他当起了顾问,帮助其他的吸毒者。The diet makes the blood less sticky, thereby helping to prevent heart disease.这种饮食会降低血液粘稠度,因此有助于预防心脏病。Local companies and industries have been helping independent schools by providing buildings and equipment.本地公司和工业一直在帮助私立学校建造大楼和购买设备。The extra effort involved would go a long way in helping to justify their high price tags.他们的额外付出对证明其高价的合理性是极有帮助的。Some teachers devote too much time to helping their slower students and neglect the brighter ones.有些教师在迟钝的学生身上花了太多时间,忽视了聪明的学生。He is best known for helping to bring down the government with a drip-feed of sex scandal stories.他因为用一个个的性丑闻慢慢把政府搞垮而闻名。She took a second helping of carrots.她又来了一份胡萝卜。He means well , but he's not really helping anyone.他本意是好的,但其实他谁也没帮上。Like I said, I don't mind helping out on the day.我说过了,我不介意那天去帮忙。Would you mind helping me clean up the kitchen after dinner?晚饭后,你能帮我收拾一下厨房吗?Satellite broadcasting is helping to globalize television.卫星广播技术正推动电视节目的全球化。It's very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.你心地真好,所有周末都用来帮助老人。Thanks for helping me out—you really saved my hide! 感谢你为我解围—你真是救了我!Would you mind helping me hand the crackers around, please?帮我分发一下饼干,行吗?The old man thanked me for helping him across the street.老人感谢我搀他过马路。I had hoped to cajole them into helping us.我原来还指望哄他们帮我们一把。It is not easy to make practical suggestions for helping her.要提出切实可行的建议帮助她并不容易。He believes that relief only comes from helping others with their suffering.他相信只有帮助他人摆脱痛苦才会感到宽慰。She's been giving me a helping hand with the children.她一直在帮我照顾孩子们。She was helping an old woman cross the street.她在扶一位老妇人过马路。The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.这个男子在协助警方调查时,他的身份是保密的。They were busy helping survivors to safety.他们忙于帮幸存者转到安全的地方。




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