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例句 The summit meeting was intended to be wide-ranging and open-ended.按照安排,这次高峰会议的议题广泛,不作限制。Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully.一定要认真按照操作指南来做。Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.按照包装袋上的说明煮饭。Replace all the pieces in the correct order.按照正确的顺序把所有的零部件换下来。The electorate went its own sweet way.全体选民按照自己的意愿参与选举。On this diet, I don't feel like I'm denying myself.按照这种饮食方案,我不觉得自己是在节食。Our research enables companies to customize and tailor products to suit individual tastes.我们的研究使诸公司有能力按照个人的喜好定制各式产品。The pupils wrote at their teacher's dictation.学生按照老师的口述写下来。The winners are ranked in order of merit.获胜者按照成绩排序。He lived in obedience to the church's teachings.他严格按照教规生活。The building can be converted to condominiums at the owner's pleasure.这栋建筑可以按照业主意愿改造成公寓楼。You must do exactly as I say.你必须完全按照我说的去做。Just follow our simple step-by-step instructions.只需按照我们所给的简单说明一步一步去做即可。The test is pitched at a high standard.测试是按照高标准制定的。People have a right to enjoy their holidays how they wish and it ill behoves a journalist to sneer at them.人们有权按照自己的意愿去享受假期,新闻记者讥笑他们是不合适的。After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms.与女儿兼经纪人商量之后,她决定出演这一角色,不过要按照她开出的条件。Officers and wives entered in strict order of precedence.众官员及其夫人按照严格的礼宾次序入场。Take only the recommended dose of cough syrup.按照建议剂量服用止咳糖浆。Today is her birthday according to the solar calendar.按照阳历,今天是她的生日。This brochure lists the hotels in ascending order of cost.这本小册子按照花费由少到多的顺序列出各家酒店。By her own rules, she was a tainted woman.按照她自己的标准来看,她是个声名狼藉的女人。Water heaters are sized to meet the needs of users.热水器是按照用户需要的尺寸制造的。According to the tag, the shirt needs to be washed in cold water.按照标签上的说明,这种衬衫要用冷水洗涤。The revolution proceeded according to its own logic.那场革命是按照其自身的规律进行的。Working to a prearranged plan, he rang the First Secretary and requested an appointment with the Ambassador.按照预先安排的计划,他打电话给一等秘书,请求约见大使。This is considered a luxury item and is priced accordingly.这被认为是一件奢侈品,并按照这个标准定价。All her books are written according to a familiar formula.她所有的书都按照一个惯用的套路来写。Just follow the signs for Bridgend.按照指往布里真德的路标走就行了。I cooked the rice according to the directions on the box.按照盒子上的说明煮米饭。They have fulfilled all their obligations under the treaty.他们已按照协议履行了全部义务。Insects possess a biological clock that programs the insect's growth, reproduction, and dormant periods.昆虫具有一种生物钟,它会按照遗传密码控制昆虫的生长、繁殖和休眠期。In accordance with her wishes, she was buried in France.按照她的遗愿,人们将她安葬在法国。These plans should add up to a very exciting vacation.按照这些计划应该能够度过一个非常好玩的假期了。Blood pressure is not routinely tested before donation.按照常规献血前没有测量血压。They were pursuing their own agenda.他们那时正按照自己的议程表行事。The states are listed in descending order of population size.各州按照人口由多到少的顺序排列。In these negotiations, other traders tended to follow the trend set by the strong.在这些谈判中,商家往往按照实力雄厚者定下的一般做法行事。The mask was made from a plaster cast of his face.这个面具是按照他的脸的石膏模型制作成的。Using the pattern, cut out one piece of pelmet stiffening.按照这个图样剪出一块帷幔硬衬。How would you grade your meal on a scale from one to five?按照从一到五的等级,你给自己这顿饭打几分?




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