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The city has received only half its average rainfall of four inches.本市目前的降雨只有往常四英寸平均雨量的一半。It brings humanity back to its originating source.它把人类带回起源的源头。The government makes noises about better relations with its neighbouring countries.政府再三讲要处理好同邻国的关系。The car shuddered briefly as its engine died.引擎熄火时,汽车震动了几下。One of the properties of helium is its lightness.氦的属性之一是轻。The strike has now entered its second week.罢工进入了第二周。The company will increase its budget for marketing.这家公司将增加营销预算。At least one bank cut its prime rate today.今天,至少有一家银行降低了其基本利率。The conference might reconvene after its opening session.大会在开幕式结束后可能要再开会。The country's infrastructure must catch up with its economic growth.国家的基础结构一定要赶上它的经济发展。The river overflowed its banks.河水淹没了两岸。The bird feebly beat its wings.这鸟无力地拍动著翅膀。Its commercial success as a city is partly due to its excellent rail and road communications.这座城市在商业上的成功部分要归功于其高效便捷的铁路和公路交通。An infant is wholly dependent on its mother.婴儿完全依赖母亲。The bird shaped its nest from mud and sticks.鸟用泥和枝条筑巢。Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation.日本宣布了大幅增加核能发电的计划。The dog hasn't touched its food.这狗还没碰过它的食物。The town takes great pride in its architectural heritage.该镇对自己的建筑遗产深感自豪。The dog had to be destroyed since its owner could not prevent it from attacking people.这条狗必须被处死,因为它的主人也阻止不了它攻击人。I regret that the United States has added its voice to such protests.我很遗憾美国也加入了这一抗议的行列。The town is notorious for its casinos.这个城市因其众多的赌场而远近皆知。Each country has its own problems, which are related to its economic and political position.每个国家都有各自的问题,这些问题与各国的经济、政治状况有关。No-one else can say what its value to you is – only you can be the judge of that.其他人都不能道明它对于你的价值,唯有你自己才能作评价。She leaned forward to touch the dog but quickly drew back when she saw its teeth.她俯身去摸那条狗,但看到它的牙齿后马上退了回来。The company has been lax in carrying out its duties.公司没有严格履行义务。Ship's masters are in charge of a ship, its crew and any cargo it is carrying, at sea and in port.在海上和港口,船长对船只、船员和货物都有控制权。The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.这个家庭由于融入更广阔的社会关系网而得到帮助。Cooking the vegetable destroys its wonderful delicate flavour.烹调蔬菜会使其美味荡然无存。The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.政府决定实施更加严格的移民政策。Atlantic City is famous for its beach and boardwalk, where hotels and casinos are filled with entertainment.大西洋城以其沙滩和海滨木板道而闻名,那里的旅店和赌场提供各种娱乐活动。The company may have to tweak its image.公司也许得稍微改变一下形象。The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage.泰坦尼克号首航时沉没了。The exhibit must be viewed in its totality to be properly understood.一定要从头至尾看完这场展览才能恰当地理解它。In the case of an electric shock, turn the power off at its source.如发生触电,要切断电源。The hospital is freezing staff appointments as part of its cutbacks.这家医院冻结员工职位作为削减开支的一部分。The disease is contagious only before the appearance of its initial symptoms.这种病只在初始症状出现前会传染。The company is hoping to increase its sales.这家公司希望提高自己的销售额。Most of us want to make our home a familiar place and put the stamp of our personality on its walls.我们大多数人都想把自己的家装饰成一个温馨的地方,并在墙上展示自己的个性。That store discounts all its slow-selling goods.那家商店削价出售所有滞销货。The water squirted from its throat.水从它的喉部喷出来。 |