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词汇 拼命
例句 He's been staying up all nights, busting a gut over all the work he has to do.他一连几天熬夜,拼命做所有该做的事。I was trying desperately to hold my tummy in.拼命忍着不吐出来。He sweated his horse by riding him too hard.拼命策马前行,马都出汗了。Some people can diet like crazy and not lose weight.有些人拼命节食也不能减肥。Curiously, the struggle to survive has greatly improved her health.奇怪的是,她拼命求生的抗争使得她的健康状况大有好转。He pawed frantically through the drawers.拼命翻找抽屉里的东西。I've tried to talk some sense into them, but it's like banging my head against a brick wall.拼命劝他们,但白费气力。They work your ass off but they pay you well.他们拼命使唤你,不过给的报酬很高。I'm not going to break my back working for such low wages.我才不愿为这么低的薪资而拼命做活。He tried hard to vindicate his honor.拼命维护自己的名誉。Miles struggled not to give in to his feelings of anger and hopelessness.迈尔斯拼命控制愤怒和失望之情。I nearly bust a gut trying to get the job finished on time.为了按时完成这项工作我简直是拼命了。They will fight to maintain their monopoly over local bus services.他们会拼命维护在当地公交行业的垄断地位。Her mouth was working away all the time he was speaking, I think she was trying not to laugh.在他讲话时她的嘴一直在抽动,我想她是在拼命忍着不笑出来。I had to sweat blood for an MA.为获得硕士学位,我不得不拼命学习。We are trying desperately to find a solution.我们正在拼命设法找到解决办法。She closed her eyes and clung on for dear life.她闭上双眼,拼命坚持着。This new initiative is a desperate attempt to prop up the economy.这项新举措是为扶持经济而进行的拼命一搏。They push themselves far too hard and overtax their strength.他们过于拼命,体力消耗严重。The bird fluttered its wings wildly but it could not get off the ground.鸟儿拼命扑打着翅膀,但仍不能飞离地面。As he got older, he started to ease up a little.随着年岁增长,他工作起来就不再那么拼命了。Our defending was heroic.我们的防守相当拼命The panic-stricken passengers tried to rush the boat.惊慌失措的旅客都拼命往救生艇挤去。She's a slave to fashion.她是个拼命赶时髦的人。She drank thirstily.她渴得拼命喝水。It took all the self-control he had not to lose his temper.拼命克制才没发脾气。The goal was just what the team needed, at the end of a game in which they had laboured hard to overcome Chelsea.在球队为战胜切尔西队而拼命的这场比赛快结束时,这个进球正是他们所需要的。We made pigs of ourselves on her cakes.我们拼命大吃她的蛋糕。I worked my guts out getting my degree.拼命学习,攻读学位。They made a frantic search for the lost child.他们紧张万分地拼命寻找那走失的孩子。The prisoner beat about for a way to escape.囚犯拼命寻找逃路。They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification.他们通过实施低技术规格拼命限制成本。She's been saving like mad because she wants to buy a car.她想买汽车,所以在拼命攒钱。The dog was paddling furiously after the ducks.那条狗在水里拼命划水追赶那些鸭子。He tried to summon the willpower to get out of bed.拼命鼓足了勇气想从床上爬起来。The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.那些银行正在拼命急于收回成本。Stop working so hard - you'll burn yourself out.工作别这么拼命——你会累垮的。We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.我们拼命往外舀水,使它继续漂浮了几个小时。The team is playing for enormous stakes - the chance to play in the final.这支球队正在为无上的回报,即进入决赛,而拼命一搏。He was pulling the rope for all he was worth.他在拼命拉绳子。




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