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词汇 拘谨
例句 The atmosphere could be frigid at these meetings.这些会议的气氛有时会很拘谨His natural reserve is sometimes mistaken for unfriendliness.他天生拘谨的性格有时被误认为不友好。Brian was courtly and reserved.布赖恩温文尔雅,含蓄拘谨She's very old-maidish.她很拘谨She sat primly on the edge of her chair.拘谨地坐在椅子边上。Her manner is gracious but quite formal.她的态度谦和,但很拘谨Mark looked a little lost amongst all those trendy designers.马克在那些时髦的服装设计师中间显得有点拘谨Why does he treat me with such coldness and reserve?他为什么对我如此冷漠和拘谨I am far too inhibited to have rows with people.我性格太拘谨,连和人吵架都不会。Usually so laconic in the office, Dr. Lahey seemed less guarded, more relaxed.平常在办公室里寡言少语的莱希医生似乎少了些拘谨,多了几分轻松。He took her home in a taxi, saying goodnight formally on the doorstep.他打车送她回了家,并在门前拘谨地道晚安告别。Roy ventured a tentative smile.罗伊拘谨地笑了笑。I don't know why people are so uptight about sex.我不明白为什么人们一谈到性那么拘谨Beneath his unease I sensed a nice nature.我感到在他拘谨的外表下藏有一颗善良的心。Some have charged that the Puritans were sexually repressed and inhibited.一些人谴责说清教徒的性欲受到压抑,并且个性拘谨He has a puritanical side to him.他有着古板拘谨的一面。They always seemed a little awkward with each other, a bit stiff and formal.他们在一起似乎总是觉得有点别扭,有点拘谨,不太随意。They smiled awkwardly at the camera.他们拘谨地对着照相机笑。A note of formality in his voice alerted her to the fact that others were listening.他语气中的一丝拘谨提醒了她有别人在听他们的谈话。He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn't quite broken.他唱得很拘谨,声音听起来像是某个还没完全变声的男孩。Cole's style is decidedly more formal than the previous manager's.科尔的待人处事风格显然比前任经理要更拘谨Everyone was formally lined up to meet the king.大家拘谨地列好队迎接国王。He threw off his inhibitions and went skinny-dipping.他抛开拘谨去裸泳。He's always straining at a gnat.他总是对小事很拘谨She sipped her white wine primly.她小口喝着白葡萄酒,显得很拘谨The three officials waved stiffly.三位官员拘谨地挥了挥手。She looked prim and nervous in her best hat and coat.戴着自己最好的帽子、穿着自己最好的外套的她显得拘谨不安。Her initial stiffness began to wear off as we got to know her.随着我们渐渐了解她,她起初的拘谨也慢慢消失了。My sister told me that my prissy attitude annoys her.我姐姐告诉我,我拘谨的态度让她不悦。Her photograph showed her stiff in her glories of plumes and satin.照片上的她身著绸缎,头戴饰有彩羽的帽子,显得很拘谨He presided at all councils of ministers, where the atmosphere could be frigid on occasions.所有的内阁会议都由他主持,有时会上的气氛会很拘谨I wish we could treat each other without formality.我真希望我们彼此之间不要太拘谨I took her out for a drink and tried to break through her reserve.我带她出去喝了杯酒,想消除她的拘谨She felt very inhibited by her own lack of experience.她因为自己缺乏经验而觉得很拘谨We sat primly at either end of a long settee.我们拘谨地坐在长椅的两头。His warmth succeeded in melting the children's reserve.他的热情成功地化解了孩子们的拘谨He appeared ill at ease at the party.他在宴会上显得很拘谨They are very formal in the way they relate with each other.他们之间相处的方式很拘谨There had been stiffness and long silences.气氛有时会拘谨局促,半天没人说话。She wanted to feel less inhibited.她希望不那么拘谨




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