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词汇 记住
例句 I'll keep what you say in mind.我会记住你说的话。Keep in mind you're going to be fighting lots of men who hit plenty hard.记住你要和许多出拳非常凶狠的人交手。I tried to hold his image in my mind as I walked away.我走时试图在脑海里记住他的形象。You had need remember his name.你务必记住他的名字。I must remember to send Helen some flowers for her birthday.我必须记住海伦过生日时让人送些花给她。Thanks, I'll bear that in mind.谢谢,我会记住那件事。Remember your mother's always here if you need a shoulder to cry on.如果你需要有个人倾诉一下,记住你母亲总是在这里。Remember, it's just when things look hopeless that you sometimes get a lucky break.记住,有时候正是看似无望的时候才出现好运的。Nelson Mandela will be remembered for his courage and integrity in the struggle against apartheid.人们将会记住纳尔逊·曼德拉在反对种族隔离的斗争中所表现出来的勇气和正直。Visitors remember a lean, cheerful figure on horseback urging on his men.访客们记住了一个瘦削、乐观的人骑在马上为他的手下鼓劲。Remember to be tactful when expressing a personal judgement.记住表达个人看法要婉转。He could never quite remember all our names.他永远也无法记住我们所有人的名字。He memorized the whole text in nothing flat.他很快就把全篇课文记住了。I will remember your advice and proceed accordingly.我会记住你的建议,并据此办理。Remember, the customer is always right. 记住,顾客永远是对的。Remember to throttle down before you go round a sharp corner.务必记住,急转弯前要减速。Remember to hold your head up and keep your back straight.记住要抬头挺胸。I can remember people's faces, but not their names.我可以记住人的长相,但记不住人的名字。Remember to be on your best behavior with your grandmother.到你奶奶那儿记住要乖乖的。He has an excellent memory for faces. 他很善于记住人的面孔。I don't know how actors manage to learn all those lines.我不知道演员是怎样记住那么多台词的。Remember to go over your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me.记住在把论文交给我之前,要仔细检查一下语法和拼写错误。The teacher pounded the grammatical rules into her students.老师强使学生记住文法规则。She will be remembered for her selfless devotion to the cause of the poor.人们会记住她为帮助穷人所作出的无私奉献。Try to learn by heart these English words and phrases.努力把这些英语单字和片语记住Remember that you are mortal.记住人总是会死的。He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to Rose's street.他研究了地图,试图记住到罗丝家那条街的路。His features were not very memorable.他的相貌不是很容易让人记住Remember, this chart is only a guide.记住,该图表仅仅是一个指导意见。Keep in mind that you'll have to practice economy.记住要厉行节约。He made a mental note to look into the matter.记住要了解一下这件事情。As a safeguard against misuse, memorize your PIN number immediately and destroy this advice slip.为了防止别人盗用,立即记住你的个人密码,然后撕毁这张通知单。When writing your homework, remember that neatness counts.做作业时,记住书写工整很重要。It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.你最好记住大笑是消除紧张情绪的良方。You're still only a junior employee in this business, and you'd do well to remember that.你还只是这家公司的一个低级雇员,你最好还是记住这一点。It must be remembered that the two countries were at war.必须记住这两国当时正处于战争状态。She did tell me she'd be out, but it didn't register.她确实告诉我她要出去,但我没记住He'll cause trouble - you mark my words!他会惹麻烦的——你记住我的话!I'll repeat that so you can commit it to memory.我会重复一下,好让你们记住Remember to keep copies of all your correspondence.记住保留你所有信函的副本。




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