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词汇 拖着
例句 Sleepy-eyed commuters were wending their way to work.睡眼惺忪的通勤族拖着沉重的步子上班去。He was lumbering up the slope. I wondered if I was moving with the same thickness.他正拖着笨重的脚步走在坡路上。我不知道自己是不是也同样步履沉重。I've got enough to carry without lugging your bags as well.就算不用拖着你的行李,我拎的东西也够多了。The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room.元帅迈过吸尘器,拖着沉重的步子走出了房间。I was dragged and lumped onto a sofa.我被费力地拖着抬到了沙发上。There's no point in prolonging the agony any longer.拖着不说让人着急没什么意思了。He heaved his considerable bulk into the chair.拖着庞大的身体坐到椅子上。The child was trailing a toy cart.孩子正拖着玩具车走。I escaped with severely bruised legs.拖着有严重淤伤的腿逃走了。At nine o'clock she dragged herself to the office.九点钟时她拖着疲惫的身子来到办公室。She hauled herself to her feet and limped home.拖着沉重的步伐,蹒跚着回家了。I lugged my suitcase along the perimeter of the square.我费力地拖着手提箱沿着广场的边缘走。He heard the father's leaden footsteps move down the stairs.他听见父亲拖着沉重的脚步下楼。They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow.他们穿上外套,拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。I keep meaning to put a lock on it, but I never get round to it.我一直想加个锁,但总是拖着没做。The puppy ran up to us, dragging her leash behind her.小狗拖着链子向我们跑来。He ran as fast as his old bones would carry him.拖着一把老骨头,竭尽全力快跑。The dog's leash was trailing along/on the ground.这条狗的牵狗绳在地上拖着He moved slowly, trailing his wounded foot.拖着伤脚慢慢地走。They proceeded at a languid pace.他们拖着缓慢无力的脚步前进。I spent a long afternoon trailing behind him.整个下午我都拖着步子跟在他身后。The little girl went to her room, trailing her teddy bear behind her.小女孩拖着玩具熊朝自己的房间走去。Elementary school students are now using rolling suitcases to haul their school books around.现在小学生都用拉杆箱拖着课本走路。Nobody wants to lug around huge suitcases full of clothes.谁都不想拖着个装满衣服的大箱子到处走。He had to limp off with a leg injury.他只能拖着伤腿一瘸一拐地走开了。The bird walked slowly, dragging one wing along.那只鸟拖着一只翅膀缓慢移动。They worked their way out of the wood.他们拖着疲步走出树林。City officials have slowed the development by stalling building permits for the area.市政府官员拖着不签发在该地区的建筑许可证,这就减慢了发展势头。The prisoners began their shuffle around the yard.囚犯们开始在院子里拖着步子走来走去。He got up from his chair and trundled off to bed.他从椅子里站了起来,拖着沉重的步子向床走去。An old man shuffled out of a doorway further along the corridor.一位老先生拖着步子从走廊更远处的一个门口走了出来。They trekked from shop to shop in search of white knee-length socks.他们拖着步子从一家商店走到另一家,寻找齐膝的白袜子。They dragged his body up the stairs.他们拖着他的尸体上了楼。I've lugged this trunk all over Asia.拖着这只皮箱走遍了整个亚洲。Phillips's lackadaisical mount Sandra finally managed to lumber over the finish line.菲利普那匹没精打采的马桑德拉终于拖着沉重的步子跨过了终点线。He hauled himself out of his bed and hulked off into the blackness.他费力地从床上下来,拖着笨重的脚步向黑暗中走去。The war in Vietnam dragged on with no clear-cut victory.越南战争没完没了地拖着,未能完胜。She clapped across the room in her slippers.拖着拖鞋劈里啪啦地穿过房间。The plane began to trail smoke.飞机后部开始拖着黑烟。Of course, we were lugging our ammo, machine guns, mortars, and the whole sub-cheese with us.当然,我们随身拖着弹药、机枪、迫击炮以及所有的一切。




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