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词汇 不符
例句 The report does not jibe with the facts.报告与事实不符The speech contained many errors of fact.演讲中有许多与事实不符的错误。It was good drama, but historically inaccurate.戏是很好,不过与史实不符Her theories were out of tune with the scientific thinking of the time.她的理论与当时的科学思想不符The final product was not what we had expected.最终产品与我们的预期不符His report did not jibe with the facts.他的报告与事实不符He did something contradictory to his orders.他做了与他的身份不符的事。That statement is not factual.那种说法与事实不符His story simply does not square with the facts.他的说法和事实根本不符Your story doesn't square with the facts.你的说法与事实不符Their story doesn't fit the facts.他们说的情况与事实不符Nizan's views were out of phase with the political climate of the time.尼藏的观点和当时的政治气候不符The reward fell short of our expectations.奖励不符我们的希望。This description didn't seem to tally with what we saw.这一描述似乎与我们目睹的情况不符This bill does not agree with your original estimate.这张帐单与你当初的估计不符He finds himself heading a rump party largely out of tune with his own views.他发现自己领导的这个残存的党派和自己的观点大多不符It doesn't conform to people's normal expectations of what a zoo is.这与人们通常对动物园的预期不符Her story disagrees with the facts of the case.她说的情况与案件的事实不符His statement does not tally with the facts.他的陈述与事实不符John's rudeness was not in character because he is usually very polite.约翰的粗暴无礼同他的性格不符,因为他通常是很有礼貌的。The film is full of historical inaccuracies.这部影片中许多地方与历史不符Her story didn't check. 她的报道与事实不符Hemming's account does not accord with the police evidence.亨明的描述与警方的证据不符His interpretation of the data did not accord with the facts.他对数据的解读与事实不符Her answers were transparently untruthful.她的回答显然与事实不符His values are out of tune with the times.他的价值观与这个时代不符Many of his statements were at variance with the facts.他的说法有很多和事实不符The facts of the situation belie his testimony.他的证词与实际情况不符This witness's information doesn't tie in with the facts.这个证人所提供的情况与事实不符His statement conflicts with the facts.他的陈述与事实不符The cheerful cover of the book is out of keeping with the sad story told inside it.这本书亮丽的封面和书中悲伤的故事不符His statement does not comport with the fact.他说的与事实不符The report goes against current thinking on what is best for working parents.这份报告对于上班族父母怎么做最好的观点与时下普遍的看法不符The priest's teachings do not conform with church doctrine.那位神父的教诲与教会的教义不符The witness's testimony was not in concordance with the rest of the evidence.证人的证词和其他证据不符The reputation that preceded him did not report him accurately.先前只闻此人盛名,但他名实不符She failed to notice the discrepancy between the name on the letter and the name on the passport.她没有注意到信上的名字与护照上的名字不符His statements were not consistent with the truth. 他的说法与事实不符These activities do not conform with diplomatic rules.这些活动与外交准则不符The new doctrine is too accommodating to be in conformity with the national interest.这种新主张太讲究通融而不符国家利益。




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