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词汇 拒绝透露
例句 She refused to be drawn on whether the company is considering a merger.拒绝透露公司是否正在考虑合并。The government has so far refused to spell out its plans/policies.政府至今拒绝透露详细的计划/政策。When the police asked his name, he refused to identify himself.警方询问他的姓名时,他拒绝透露身份。He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts.关于那个人的行踪他拒绝透露任何信息。He refused to disclose the identity of the politician.拒绝透露那位政客的身份。He refused to comment on his salary or the duration of his contract.拒绝透露自己的工资或者合同期限。The journalist was found to be in contempt of court for refusing to reveal his sources.该记者因拒绝透露其消息来源而被判犯有蔑视法庭罪。Government officials refused to say what measures were being planned to deal with the refugee crisis.政府官员拒绝透露他们计划采取哪些措施来应对难民危机。The Pentagon refused to divulge what type of plane it was.五角大楼拒绝透露那是什么类型的飞机。The other three companies refused to divulge their plans.其他三家公司拒绝透露他们的计划。She refused to reveal the contents of the letter.拒绝透露信的内容。The company is refusing to go into detail about its offer.公司拒绝透露其报价的细节。Despite weeks of media speculation, the president refused to tip his hand about his plans for re-election.尽管数周来媒体都在猜测,但总统拒绝透露争取连任的计划。He refused to disclose the source of his information.拒绝透露他的消息来源。The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal.这个产品是用一种秘方制成的,公司拒绝透露它的具体内容。The newspaper declined to identify the source of the allegations.报社拒绝透露那些说法的来源。The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person.嫌犯拒绝透露任何有关其身份的详情,身上也没有携带任何证件。She knew she was on shaky ground if she withheld any details.她知道如果拒绝透露任何细节的话,自己就站不住脚了。The reporter has refused to reveal his sources.记者拒绝透露他的信息来源。Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations.官员们拒绝透露谈判的细节。She refused to divulge the name of her informant.拒绝透露信息提供者的姓名。He refused to reveal the identity of his client.拒绝透露客户的身份。The police are refusing to say where Davies is being held.警方拒绝透露戴维斯被关押在哪里。Stratford police refuse to comment on whether anyone has been arrested.斯特拉特福德警方拒绝透露是否有人被捕。




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