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词汇 饱经
例句 The ship had been knocked about by storms.那艘船饱经疾风暴雨的冲击。It is not the only place experiencing the obscenities of civil war.饱经内战蹂躏的不止这一个地方。The country has been plagued by wars, civil wars, and internal rebellions.该国饱经战争、内战以及内部叛乱的祸患。Wind and sun had weathered his face.他的脸饱经风吹日晒。The girl was a mirage, cast up by his troubled mind.那个女孩是一个幻觉,是他饱经困扰的头脑想象出来的。At that time she was undergoing tremendous emotional problems following the breakup of her marriage.那时她婚姻破裂,感情上饱经痛苦。She had her ups and downs, but she had always managed to pull herself together.饱经沉浮沧桑,但总能设法使自己重新振作起来。Diego looked like a man who was inured to disappointment.迪戈看上去像一个饱经失望的人。




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