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词汇 拒绝参加
例句 They boycotted the meeting.他们拒绝参加那个会议。He abstained from taking part in the discussion.拒绝参加讨论。She pointedly refused to go to their party.她明确拒绝参加他们的聚会。Discussions were effectively stalled by the union's refusal to participate.由于工会拒绝参加,磋商事实上被拖延下来。Those who declined participation were excused and sent back to the classroom.那些拒绝参加的学生得到允许,并被送回课堂。They refused to take part in the discussions.他们拒绝参加讨论。The country's leaders boycotted the event in protest.这个国家的领导人都拒绝参加这项活动,以示抗议。A New York art teacher who refused to take part in the daily flag ceremony was dismissed from her post.纽约一名教艺术的老师因拒绝参加每天的升旗仪式而被免职。The country refuses to participate in talks on nuclear disarmament.这个国家拒绝参加核裁军谈判。Elections were held, but the KLA refused to take part.选举是举行了,但是科索沃解放军拒绝参加His letter went on to give reasons for his refusal to take part.他的信接着讲了他拒绝参加的原因。That we are expelled from participation in international organizations is bound to have profound ramifications upon the relations between our two countries.我方被拒绝参加国际组织势必将对两国的关系产生深远的延伸性影响。He refused to be a party to the gambling ring.拒绝参加赌博团伙。He refused to affiliate with a political party.拒绝参加任何政党。




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