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词汇 护士
例句 The nurse comes to bath him twice a week.护士每周来为他洗两次澡。The nurse attended the patient daily.护士天天照料着这位病人。The nurse said my mother had rallied after a poor night.护士说,我母亲在经历了情况危急的一夜之后已经开始好转了。Untrained nurses are not allowed to treat patients who are seriously ill.未受正规训练的护士不允许去照顾重病患者。The nurse put a blood-pressure cuff on his arm.护士在他的手臂上戴了一个血压袖带。A nurse visits once a week to give Jessica's mother a break.护士每星期来给杰西卡的母亲帮一次忙。The nurse cut the baby's umbilical cord.护士剪掉了婴儿的脐带。The nurse pricked my finger to get some blood.护士用针扎我的指头取血。The nurse led me to a large room.护士带我去了一间大屋子。Nurses are continuing to work to rule.护士们还在消极怠工。Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.护士们不仅要求提高工资,还要求缩短工作时间。I had to take an aptitude test before I began training as a nurse.我在接受护士培训前,要参加一个能力倾向测验。Many professions feel they deserve higher pay, and nurses are a case in point.许多专业人员认为他们应该得到更高的工资,护士就是一个例子。She works as a nurse in a special hospital.她在一家专门医院做护士She'd left school and was at a loose end, waiting for a hospital place to train as a nurse.她毕业后没事可做,一直在等着去医院培训做护士Many of the older patients are uncooperative and difficult for the nurses to handle.许多老年病人很不合作,护士很难应付他们。The nurse had picked up the information from a conversation she overheard.护士是从偶然听到的谈话中得知这一消息的。She hung around with a pair of nurses who were openly gay.她总和两个公开承认自己是同性恋的护士泡在一块儿。I feigned sleep when the nurse came around.护士过来时我假装睡着了。I'll be sending Nurse Hopkins along.我派霍普金斯护士来。The nurse swapped the patients' charts by mistake.护士误把病人的病历调换了。Trainee nurses have to work for some weeks in maternity.受训的护士必须在产科病房工作数周。She returned to her motel, reassured by the nurses that her husband would be quite all right.护士说她丈夫会好的,让她放心,于是她回到了汽车旅馆。I don't care what John thinks, and in any case he's only a nurse not a doctor.我才不管约翰怎么想呢,再说,他只不过是个护士,又不是医生。The nurse tended to their wounds.护士护理了他们的伤口。The nurses came out to wave Grandad goodbye.护士们出来跟爷爷挥手道别。The nurse shoved a thermometer under my arm.护士把体温表放在我的腋下。You may have regular home visits from a neonatal nurse.可以雇请育婴护士定期到家里提供服务。When you're undressed, the nurse will come back and explain the procedure.你脱掉衣服后,护士就会回来讲解步骤。Nurses refused to accept a pay settlement less than the rate of inflation.护士拒绝接受低于通货膨胀水平的调薪方案。The old man shook his fist angrily at the nurse.老人怒气冲冲地对着护士挥动拳头。The nurse gave him a sponge bath.护士给他擦洗了身体。When you're a nurse, cleaning up vomit is all in a day's work.护士来说,打扫呕吐污物就是分内工作。Grandmother's nurse has been a real treasure.奶奶的护士一直非常受人喜爱。Doctors and nurses are now in plentiful supply. = There is now a plentiful supply of doctors and nurses.现在医生和护士都有大量人手。Hospital staff staged a protest as a gesture of solidarity with the striking nurses.医院工作人员举行抗议以示与罢工的护士们团结一致。The film's about an elderly woman and a young nurse who befriends her.电影讲述的是一位老太太和一个待她友善的年轻护士的故事。His volunteer work in the hospital led to a career in nursing. = His volunteer work in the hospital led to him becoming a nurse.在医院做义工的经历促使他选择了护士这个职业。The nurse settled her patient's pillows.护士把病人的枕头放整齐。She accused university-educated nurses of not wanting to carry out menial tasks.她指责那些受过大学教育的护士不愿做低级工作。




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