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词汇 clean
例句 He used a tissue to clean his fingerprints off the gun.他用一块纸巾把枪上的指纹擦去了。She scoured the knife clean.她把刀擦干净了。Wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth.用一块干净的干抹布擦拭表面。Knock the brushes together to clean them.把刷子相互拍一拍弄干净。I checked her; she's clean.我检查了,她没有私带违禁品。She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes.她给她洗澡并穿上干净的衣服。The authorities launched a massive manhunt, and were able to catch them in one clean sweep.有关单位对于恐怖分子展开了大规模的追缉,终于将他们一网打尽。Jeanette put out her clean clothes on the bed.珍妮特把自己的干净衣服摆放在床上。Do you still need volunteers to help clean up after the party?你们还需要志愿者在聚会后帮助打扫吗?The governor gives the program a clean bill of health.理事认定这门课程合格。How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home?.希望在酒店里天天有干净毛巾用的客人,有多少会在家里每天洗烫自己的毛巾呢?You've performed a miracle in this kitchen - I've never seen it so clean!你真是创造了奇迹——我从没见过这个厨房如此干净过!Young people are leading the charge to clean up the city.年轻人率先打扫城市卫生。Grab a broom and let's clean up.拿起扫帚,我们来大扫除吧。The machine is easy to use, easy to clean, and best of all, it's absolutely free when you order these books.这台机器操作简单,容易清洗,最重要的是,如果订购这些书,您将免费获赠一台。The house is spotlessly clean.这房子干净得一尘不染。He's been sentenced to seven years in prison, but he'll be out in four if he keeps his nose clean.他被判了七年徒刑,但如果表现好,四年就能获释。If you are using the same pan, clean it out.如果用同一个平底锅,要把它清洗干净。After the death of his wife he made a clean break with all his old associations.妻子死后,他把旧有的联系都断绝了。She hadn't checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt.她事先并没有看自己有没有一件熨好的干净衬衫。Let's start in and clean up the kitchen.咱们开始打扫厨房吧。Work surfaces should be left clear and clean.工作台应该保持干净整洁。He could smell muck and clean fresh hay.他能闻到堆肥的臭味和新鲜干草的清香。We didn't have time to clean thoroughly, but gave the classroom a lick and a promise.我们没有时间彻底打扫,只是把教室草率地打扫了一下。Anne comes in to clean twice a week.安妮每周来清扫两次。The birds picked the bones clean. = The bones were picked clean by the birds.鸟儿把骨头啄得干干净净。She scrubbed the kitchen table clean.她把厨房桌子擦得干干净净。We had a devil of a job trying to get the carpet clean again.我们要把地毯再弄干净,真是麻烦极了。When we played other schools the games were always clean.我们和其他学校比赛时,一向都非常公正。The management of some our prisons has sometimes been corrupt, and it is our job to clean it up.我们一些监狱的管理层有时候会有贪污现象,对其进行整治则正是我们的工作。The room must be clean swept.这房间得打扫干净。We were able to pump clean water from several of the wells.我们能从几口井里抽出干净的水来。Eric, you're making a mess - I hope you're planning to clean it up.埃里克,看你弄得一团糟—我希望你正打算把这里打扫干净。I'm such a neat freak that I clean up after other people.我是个有洁癖的人,其他人一走我就要彻底打扫。Wait a minute. I'll have to clean up.等一下,我要梳洗一下。I'm supposed to clean my room before I go outside.出门之前我应该打扫房间。My parents are always nagging me to clean my room.我父母总是唠叨,要我打扫自己的房间。I'm sure the burglars waited until my insurance claim was through and came back to clean me out again.我敢肯定,窃贼们一定是等着我领到了保险赔偿金,然后回来再次把我洗劫一空。I must clean out this cupboard - it's absolutely full of junk.我一定要把这个橱柜清理一下,里面全是废旧杂物。The robbers hopped into a waiting car and made a clean getaway.盗贼跳上一辆等候的汽车,逃得无影无踪。




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