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词汇 Close
例句 Close inspection of the candles revealed some small defects.经仔细检查发现蜡烛存在一些小瑕疵。Close your eyes, and no peeking!闭上眼,不许偷看!Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is essential.银行与基金会之间的紧密协作是至关重要的。Close your eyes and make a wish. 闭上眼睛许个愿吧。Close all the windows and restart the computer.关闭所有窗口,重启电脑。Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.克洛斯岛上没有一所房子的窗户仍旧是齐全的。Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is not merely desirable, it is essential.银行与基金会的紧密合作不仅可取,而且必不可少。Close friends were allowed into the sickroom.密友可以进入病房。Close evaluation to detect cervical dysplasia and carcinoma is critical to avoid progression to cancer.及时检查并发现子宫颈非典型增生及肿瘤对于避免发展成癌症是非常关键的。Close your eyes and let the music soak in.闭上眼睛,让音乐渗入你的心底。Close your eyes. Don't peek. I've got a surprise for you.闭上眼睛,别偷看,我要给你一个惊喜。Close by are the estate's farmhouses and cottages.近旁是庄园上的农舍和小屋。Close the door carefully, don't slam it.小心关门,别使劲关。Close behind him appeared an animal with horns and cloven hooves.紧跟在他身后出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物。Take a left turn into Brown's Close.向左转进入布朗巷。Close the door quietly behind you.进来后轻轻关上门。Close the door to keep the room warm.关上门让房间保持暖和。Close your eyes and get some sleep now.现在闭上眼睛睡会儿吧。Close the door to shut out the cold.关上门,别让寒气进来。Turn into Bloomhill Close.拐到布鲁姆希尔路了。Close your eyes. Relax. Let your body loosen up.闭上眼睛。放松。让身体尽量松弛。Close your eyes and screw them up tight.合上眼睛,闭紧。Close down all programs that are running before you install the software.安装这个软件之前,先关闭所有运行中的程序。Close doors to delay the spread of fire and smoke.关上门减缓火和烟的蔓延。Close all doors and lock them when you go out. The same goes for windows.出去的时候要关上并锁好所有的门,窗子也一样。Quick! Close the door before the cat comes in!快,把门关上,别让猫进来!Close the circuit and you'll see a blue spark.接通电路你就会看到一个蓝色的电火花。Close the door. You're letting the bugs in.关上门,你让虫子进来了。Close all applications before shutting down your computer.关闭电脑前退出所有的应用程序。Close your eyes and go to sleep.闭上眼睛,睡觉吧。




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