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词汇 claustrophobic
例句 I get claustrophobic in elevators.我在电梯里就会感到幽闭恐怖。She doesn't go in elevators because she is claustrophobic.她有幽闭恐惧症,所以不坐电梯。Unless you are claustrophobic, you will probably find the experience extremely pleasurable and relaxing.除非你有幽闭恐惧症,否则你很可能会发现这是一次极其轻松愉快的经历。I felt a little claustrophobic in the tiny room.我在这个逼仄的房间里感到有点儿幽闭恐怖。The house felt too claustrophobic.这所房子太让人感到幽闭恐惧了。Crowds make me claustrophobic.成群成群的人让我感到幽闭恐怖。My room's a bit claustrophobic.我的房间小得有点幽闭恐怖。The churning, pressing crowds made her feel claustrophobic.挤来挤去的密集人群使她感到一种透不过气的恐惧。I was starting to feel claustrophobic in my relationship with Javier.在和杰维尔的相处中,我开始觉得受到了束缚。They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere.他们生活在一种令人感到幽闭恐惧的不健康氛围里。The churning, pressing crowds made her feel claustrophobic.拥挤汹涌的人群使她感到一种透不过气的恐惧。I felt claustrophobic and wanted to be somewhere with a pocket of space that was mine.我有一种幽闭恐惧感,只想找一处属于我自己的空间。I find that building intensely claustrophobic.我觉得那座建筑物特别让人有幽闭恐怖感。The theater can be a little claustrophobic when it's full.剧院满座时,会让人产生幽闭的感觉。The atmosphere was somewhat claustrophobic.气氛有点儿幽闭恐怖。




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