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例句 I found a job selling insurance.找到一份推销保险的工作。A sudden break in the cloud allowed rescuers to spot Michael Benson.天气的突然放晴帮助救援人员找到了迈克尔·本森。I must get hold of Vanessa to see if she can babysit.我必须找到瓦妮莎,看看她能不能帮我照看一下孩子。Political leaders do now entertain the hope that a settlement can be found.政治领袖们现在确实希望能找到一种解决方案。Scientists have cracked an ancient mystery using new technology.科学家们运用新技术,找到了破解古老谜团的方法。We found the boy at his usual pitch at the bottom of the Acropolis.我们在那个男孩的老地方 — 雅典卫城的底下 — 找到了他。Thankfully the Government still hasn't discovered a way of slapping a tax on love, sunshine or air.谢天谢地,政府还没有找到对爱情、阳光和空气课税的方法。They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents.他们在一块岩石平台上找到了一个可以搭帐篷的地方。Watt found a sympathetic ear when he described his family's situation to Captain Schiller.瓦特向席勒船长诉说他的家庭状况,他找到了倾诉的对象。Researchers are hoping to find a cure for the disease.研究者们希望能找到治愈这种疾病的方法。Don't look so worried – we'll find him.不要愁眉不展 — 我们会找到他的。He approached John Wexley with a commission to write the screenplay of the film.找到约翰·韦克斯利,委托他创作这部电影的剧本。A massive police hunt was launched for the missing child.警方为了找到失踪的孩子开始了大规模搜索。I did a search for any articles by Varenqe on the web, and I found quite a few.我在网上搜寻瓦雷克写的文章,找到不少。Coordinate Tracking is available for scatter and regression plots to quickly locate individual data points.同等的跟踪适用于少量和回归密谋迅速找到个别的取值点。A solution must be found that doesn't offend too many people.必须找到一个不会冒犯太多人的解决办法。There isn't any hope of finding the child.完全无望找到那孩子。Traces of explosives found among the wreckage were the key to the puzzle.在残骸中找到的少许爆炸物是解开这个谜团的关键。I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk.我在她书桌里找到一支铅笔和几张白纸。We have all wished for men who are more considerate.我们都曾祈求能找到更加体贴的男人。She has a rare blood type, and finding a match could take years.她的血型罕见,要找到合适的匹配有可能需要几年时间。The wild ancestor of the pea can still be found in some highland areas of Africa.在非洲的某些高原地带还能找到豌豆的野生原种。Since the end of the war, many of the paintings have been found and returned to their rightful owners.战争结束以后,许多画作都已找到,还给了其合法的主人。He discovered a papyrus in the ruins.他在废墟中找到了一张纸莎草纸古文稿。There is a dispute over land but we believe we have found a workable solution to this problem.土地引起了纠纷,但我们相信已找到一个能解决该问题的切实可行的方法。We and the Government must find a mutually acceptable solution to this issue.我们和政府必须针对这一问题找到双方均可接受的解决方案。Police found a cache of stolen cars in the woods.警方在林中找到了被盗汽车的隐藏地点。I have no recollection of how I found my way there in the dark.我记不起来我是怎样在黑暗中找到那里的。Competition for the best jobs is getting hotter all the time.找到最好的工作,竞争正日趋激烈。We inquired at all the hotels in town, but we couldn't find Carol anywhere.我们问了镇上所有的旅馆,还是没有找到卡罗尔。No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.在伊拉克不曾找到大规模杀伤武器。After an exhaustive search the missing document was found.经过彻底搜寻丢失的文件被找到了。Police have so far failed to trace any witnesses to the attack.到目前为止,警方还没有找到这次袭击的目击者。We're going to keep on searching until we find her.我们准备继续搜寻,直到找到她为止。His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers.他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。Acting on a tip, the police were able to find and arrest Upton.警方根据密报采取行动,找到并逮捕了厄普顿。She tapped in my name and found my account records.她把我的名字输进去,找到了我的账户记录。Some enterprising members found ways of reducing their expenses.一些有创新精神的成员找到了多种减少开支的方法。The company needs to find ways to boost morale.公司需要找到提高士气的办法。You can stay in the spare room for the time being, until you find a place.你可以暂时住在客房里,直到你找到地方。




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