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词汇 扣押
例句 The Act confers powers of search and seizure on the police.该法案授予警察搜查和扣押的权力。A band of renegades had captured the prince and were holding him to ransom.一群叛变分子俘获了王子,将其扣押索要赎金。The car was taken to the pound.这辆汽车被带到了车辆扣押场。The seized goods will be released upon payment of a fine.扣押的货物在事主缴纳罚款后将解除扣押He sued the police after they impounded his car.警察扣押他的车后他提起诉讼。They voted to withhold funds from any organization which didn't sign the agreement.他们投票赞成扣押未在协议上签字的所有组织的资金。The bailiffs seized the car and house.法庭执达官扣押了车和房。The police are holding him for questioning.警方把他扣押进行审问。The police impounded her car because it was illegally parked.因违法停车,她的车被警察扣押了。He tried to prevent union money from being sequestrated by the courts.他试图阻止法院扣押工会的资产。On Tuesday last week, Finnegan was detained and questioned by fraud squad officers.上周二,芬尼根被反欺诈小队的警察扣押问话。The act will give the government new rights to impound untaxed cars and crush them.这条法案将赋予政府新的权力,扣押未完税的汽车并将它们销毁。Terrorists are holding the passengers hostage.恐怖分子扣押这些乘客当人质。Somebody they owe might slap a lien on the car.他们的债主可能强行扣押这辆汽车。They levied on his property for unpaid rent.他们因他未付租金而扣押了他的财产。He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.第二次世界大战爆发时他被作为敌国侨民扣押了。The French impounded two Greenpeace ships off their coast.法国人在其近海扣押了两艘绿色和平组织的船。The terrorists were holding several diplomats captive.恐怖分子扣押了数名外交官。Police recovered both items, and impounded a black BMW from the murder scene.警方寻回了那两件物品,并在凶案现场扣押了一辆黑色的宝马汽车。They are holding hostages to try to force the authorities into talks on possible amnesties for drugs offences.他们扣押了若干人质以胁迫当局就赦免毒品犯罪与他们谈判。The bank seized their property.银行扣押了他们的财产。It's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long.他们把他扣押了这么长时间,真不光彩。The vehicle was impounded by customs.车辆被海关扣押了。They were detained by the police for questioning.他们被警方扣押问话。The judge ordered the documents to be impounded.法官下令扣押文件。The hijackers held 30 hostages.劫机者扣押了三十人作人质。




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