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词汇 remorse
例句 She hasn't shown the least sign of remorse. 她尚未表现出丝毫悔改之意。He suffered no agonies of guilt/remorse/regret over his decision. 他对自己的决定丝毫不感到自责。He died without remorse.他死而无憾。He never seems to have been touched with the slightest remorse for his crimes.他似乎从来没有丝毫悔罪之意。He has shown no remorse for his actions.他对自己的行为没有任何悔恨之意。She knew that the next day she would be full of remorse.她知道自己第二天就会感到懊悔。With remorse and shame, he asked for her forgiveness.他羞悔交加地请求她的谅解。He did it without remorse.他残忍无情地做了这事。He felt some remorse at his actions.他对自己的行为感到有些懊悔。I was stabbed with remorse.我因悔恨而心如刀割。She was devoured by guilt/remorse.她充满了内疚/懊悔。He admitted killing the man but showed no sign of remorse.他承认杀了那男人,但没有表示出一点悔恨之意。I suffered no remorse.我一点儿也不后悔。He apologized profusely in a fit of remorse.他感到一阵懊悔,连声道歉。I felt a twinge of remorse for what I was going to do.我对于自己要去干的事情感到内疚。The suspect has been cooperative with investigators, but he shows little remorse.嫌疑犯和调查人员很合作,但是没有表示出多少悔恨。She was suffering the throes of remorse.她当时因为懊悔而痛苦不已。She was filled with remorse for the crime.她对犯下的罪行深感懊悔。He showed not a hint of remorse.他没有显露出一丝懊悔之意。I felt a bit of remorse for being so impatient.我为自己如此急躁而感到些许自责。Many men are afflicted with guilt and remorse at leaving their wives.许多男人因为离开妻子感到内疚和悔恨,心里备受折磨。He showed no sign of remorse.他没有流露出一丝懊悔。He was suddenly overcome with remorse for the harm he had done.他猛然对自己造成的伤害感到懊悔不已。The woman sounded so nice, McKee felt a twinge of remorse at what he had done to her family.那女人听上去人很好,麦基为自己对她家所做的一切感到一阵懊悔。Thus, he has terrible fits of remorse and repentance; but he is lavish and thriftless all the same.因此,他一阵阵地非常自责、悔恨;但是他还是那样地铺张浪费、不知节俭。She was full of remorse for hurting her family.她因为伤害了家人而后悔莫及。Sincere penance consists of resolving to avoid in the future those deeds that call for remorse.真诚悔过就要下定决心避免犯下那些将来引起悔恨的行为。I could forgive him for what he did if he showed some remorse.如果他表现出一些悔意,我可以原谅他所干的事。He showed no remorse.他一点也不后悔。Filled with remorse, Dillon decided to resign.狄龙满心懊悔,决定辞职。His words had a tang of remorse in them.他的话里带有一点懊悔之意。It would make all the difference if he felt some remorse for his actions.如果他对自己的行为感到过后悔,那么情况就完全不同了。What angered me most was his total lack of remorse.最使我生气的是他居然一点悔意都没有。He had no remorse about what he had done.他对所做的事不后悔。She had no remorse about what she had said.她对所说的话不后悔。The whole story spilled out in a tumble of tears and remorse.整个经过伴着泪水与悔恨被和盘托出。She felt a sharp pang of remorse over the incident.她对这次事件感到一阵深深的自责。She was filled with remorse for not visiting her father more often. 她因没有更常去看望父亲而懊悔不已。He felt no remorse for what he had done.他不后悔自己所做的事儿。She felt a pang of remorse for what she had done.她为自己所做的事感到一阵悔恨。




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