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When I look at her paintings I'm always struck by the fineness of the details.我欣赏她的画作时,总是被她对细节的精细刻画所打动。His movies leave me cold.他的电影打动不了我。We were moved by her eloquence. = We were moved by the eloquence of her words.我们被她的口才所打动。His letters affected her profoundly.他的那些来信深深地打动了她。The sad story of his childhood moved us deeply.他童年的悲惨境遇深深地打动了我们。She's just waiting to be swept off her feet by a handsome stranger.她就是等着一个英俊的陌生人来打动她的芳心。The speaker captivated the audience.演说者深深地打动了他的听众。His sad story touched her heart.他那悲惨的经历打动了她。She wants to touch her audience through her music.她想用她的音乐打动听众。It is the giver, and not the gift, that engrosses the heart.打动受礼人心的并不是礼物,而是赠送礼物的人。They were duly impressed by her speech.他们果然被她的演讲打动了。Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.多用心去打动顾客,商品就会更快售出。I was immediately impressed by how determined he was.我立刻被他的决心所打动。The audience was swayed by the speaker's conviction.听众被演讲人的说服力所打动。He was touched by their suffering and offered to help.他被他们的痛苦遭遇打动了,提出要帮助他们。She was deeply moved and in spite of herself could not help showing it.她被深深地打动了,禁不住为之动容。Her tale of woe struck a chord with Edward.她的悲惨故事打动了爱德华。He was struck by the artists' total absorption in their work.他被艺术家们对创作的全身心投入所打动。The first time I saw her I was struck by her beauty.我第一次见到她时,就被她的美貌打动了。How is her conscience to be reached?怎么才能打动她的良心? Art should appeal to the senses rather than the intellect.艺术应打动感官而非激发理性。The women began to suss that there was no reason why they should be impressed by him.这些女人开始意识到她们没有理由被他打动。Her more measured response will appeal to voters.她更为慎重的回应会打动选民。He was touched by her care and concern.他被她的关爱打动了。His comments really touched me.他的话真的打动了我。They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.他们为了打动客户不惜坑蒙拐骗,因而声名狼藉。He tried to soften her up by buying her flowers.他想要通过给她买花来打动她。The author makes an appeal to the reader's emotions.这位作者打动了读者。It was that image of calm and discipline that appealed to voters.正是那个冷静、自律的形象打动了选民。She was an eloquent speaker, able to move and inspire audiences.她口才很好,能够打动并激励听众。Those who got to know him better warmed to his openness and honesty.那些对他日渐了解的人被他的坦率和真诚所打动。If you're not touched by this film, you've no soul.如果这部电影没有打动你,你简直是冷血动物。He invented fictional ancestors and a family history to impress the girls.他杜撰了一些祖先的名字和一个家族历史来打动那些女孩子。I am impressed by their tenacity.我被他们不屈不挠的精神所打动。She charmed everyone with her warm smile.她亲切的笑容打动了大家。It's not clear if voters liked the governor's sales pitch enough to reelect her.选民是否会被州长的拉票演说所打动并再次把选票投给她,目前尚不清楚。Even dyed-in-the-wool traditionalists were impressed by the changes.甚至连顽固不化的传统主义者都被这些变化所打动。We were swept along/away by her enthusiasm.我们被她的热情打动了。We were immediately struck by this city's holiness.我们立即就被这座城市的神圣氛围所打动。Her paintings hold a real fascination for me. 她的画深深地打动了我。 |