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词汇 打了个
例句 He took and swung at the man but missed.他挥拳朝那个男子打去,却打了个空。Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.加兰用手挡住嘴,小心地打了个嗝。He raised a hand in greeting.他挥挥手打了个招呼。He called the minister of the interior and, lo and behold, within about an hour, the prisoners were released.他给内政部长打了个电话,结果你看,不到一个钟头囚犯就给释放了。He felt a shiver of excitement.他兴奋得打了个战。The Circuit continues on to Fumel, then loops back to Vire.赛道延伸至菲梅勒,然后打了个圈又回到维尔。Then two men came in and shot up the entire lobby.然后两名男子进来,开枪把整个大厅打了个稀烂。He made an anonymous phone call to the police.他给警方打了个匿名电话。She blew me a kiss and waved goodbye.她对我打了个飞吻,然后挥手告别。He snapped his fingers to get the waiter's attention.打了个响指招唤服务员。She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel.她身穿一件格子衬衫,衣角在肚脐上方打了个结。The butcher's son called out a greeting.屠夫的儿子大声打了个招呼。Emily turned onto her side and yawned.埃米莉侧过身,打了个哈欠。I had time to catch forty winks before the flight.飞机起飞前,我有点时间打了个盹儿。Williams hit a wonderful return.威廉姆斯打了个漂亮的回击球。I said hello but she looked straight through me.我跟她打了个招呼,而她却对我视而不见。She hit him so hard that he reeled backwards.她出手太重,打得他朝后打了个趔趄。The conductor punched my railway pass.列车员在我的火车票上打了个孔。I saw Maria and stopped to say hello.我看到玛丽亚,于是停下来打了个招呼。She snapped her fingers at a passing waiter.她向经过身边的一个服务生打了个响指。He summoned the waiter with a motion of his hand.打了个手势,召唤侍者。He hit a sharp ground ball into the hole. 打了个滚地球到游击手和第三垒手之间。I skidded on the ice and fell.我在冰上打了个滑,摔倒了。Crook's eyelids drooped and he yawned.克鲁克的眼皮耷拉下来,打了个哈欠。He ate his meal and had a little nap.他吃完饭后打了个盹。She sauntered over and said hello.她款款地走过来,打了个招呼。A shiver of cold ran through him when he stepped outside.他走到室外时,不禁打了个冷颤。The armed forces seem to have been taken by surprise by the ferocity of the attack.进攻非常猛烈,武装部队似乎被打了个措手不及。Stella greeted her mother coolly.斯特拉冷淡地跟她的母亲打了个招呼。I was parked in a lay-by, having a nap.我把车停在路侧停车处,打了个盹儿。He left the room with an angry gesture.打了个生气的手势,离开了房间。He was annihilated in the finals of the competition.在决赛中,他被打了个落花流水。I feel so much better after taking that nap.打了个盹以后,我觉得好多了。The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠,翻个身又接着睡着了。She caught her heel and tripped on the step.她脚跟绊了一下,在台阶上打了个趔趄。We all had a kip on the way back.我们在回来的路上都打了个盹儿。He opened his mouth and yawned.他张嘴打了个呵欠。She signalled, and the waiter brought the bill.打了个手势,侍者就拿来了账单。I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck.打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更紧了。I sneezed on him.我朝他打了个喷嚏。




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