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词汇 experienced
例句 She did her best to hang in against some of the more experienced swimmers.她尽了最大努力坚持与一些经验更丰富的游泳运动员比拼。She's an experienced teacher.她是个经验丰富的教师。My elder brother was a lot more experienced in these matters than I was.在这些事情上,哥哥比我要有经验得多。We're paying a single rate for all workers, experienced or inexperienced.无论是熟练工人还是生手,我们给所有工人发放一样的工资。Some parents experienced difficulty when they tried to move their children to other schools.有些父母在为子女转学时遇到了困难。We put on a couple of more experienced players to even things up a bit.我们增加了几个较有经验的选手,使球队的实力平衡一些。The city has experienced a renaissance of interest in historic preservation.这座城市重新萌生了历史保护意识。Even experienced actors can suffer from stage fright.即使富有经验的演员也会怯场。He has experienced no adverse reactions from the new drug treatment.新药治疗没有给他带来不良反应。The Real Madrid has now got a rich seam of experienced players.皇家马德里队现在拥有一批经验丰富的大牌球星。They had never experienced the thrill of victory.他们还从未体验过胜利的激情。He is very experienced in public relations.他有十分丰富的公关工作经验。I have experienced that a landscape and the sky unfold the deepest beauty.我见到过风景和天空展现的最深邃的美。The movie is about a young policeman who is teamed up with an experienced detective.这部电影讲述的是年轻警察和侦探老手搭档的故事。The story is about the emotional odyssey experienced by a teenage girl.这是讲述一个少女情感经历的故事。They've experienced a lot of problems with their eldest son.他们的大儿子让他们十分操心。We work under an experienced engineer.我们在一位经验丰富的工程师手下工作。The city experienced over 2,000 such incidents last year.去年这座城市发生过二千次以上这类事件。She's one of the most experienced teachers in the district.她是该地区最有经验的教师之一。We need experienced hands. Ideas just don't accomplish themselves.我们需要有经验的老手,光有主意并不能成事。The other climbers were fitter and more experienced and I was worried I'd get left behind.其他的登山者更健壮也更富有经验,因此我担心自己会被落在后面。Many organizations had already experienced downsizing and delayering.许多组织已经经历了裁员和机构精简。He padded his résumé in order to appear more experienced.为了显得更有经验,他把自己的简历写得夸大了一些。With the possible exception of the US, no other nation experienced a more severe depression.可能除了美国之外,其他国家没有经历过更加严重的萧条。Many immigrants have experienced racism.许多移民都遭遇过种族歧视。An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries.一位有经验的护士处理所有的轻伤。Several antique dealers bid up the best lots to shut out less experienced bidders.几个古董商哄抬头等拍品的价格,要把经验较少的竞买者排挤出去。He hadn't directly experienced the fighting in the city.他没有直接经历过在那个城市的战斗。Even experienced musicians sometimes get butterflies before a performance.即使有经验的音乐家在演出前有时也会紧张。He experienced a brief moment of panic.他一时间感到惊慌。Morris was so stunned by this that he experienced a moment of total disorientation.莫里斯因此大为震惊,以致一度无所适从。He experienced a momentary loss of consciousness.他曾一度失去了意识。He is too young to throw off the more experienced competitors.他太年轻,敌不过经验丰富的对手。Although he was experienced, he was not infallible.他尽管经验丰富,但也有犯错的时候。Many parts of the country have experienced an increase in unemployment.该国许多地区失业率都有所上升。Blake's very experienced in microsurgery.布莱克在显微外科手术方面极富经验。He is a skilful and experienced negotiator.他是个经验丰富的谈判高手。The city has experienced an increase in violent crime in the past year.这个城市在过去的一年里暴力犯罪有所增加。It was the first time she had ever experienced real poverty.那是她第一次真正体会到贫穷的滋味。Have you experienced racism?你受到过种族歧视吗?




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