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词汇 experimental
例句 A lot of experimental theatre is too way-out for me.许多实验戏剧对我来说有点过于前卫了。Our data provide experimental confirmation of these predictions.我们的数据在实验方面证实了这些推测。The experimental car certainly stole the limelight at the motor show.这款实验车型无疑在车展上出尽了风头。There are some experimental studies which seem to back this up.有很多实验研究似乎可以支持这一点。It is still in an experimental stage.这仍处于试验阶段。It's a very experimental novel.这是一本实验性小说。He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence.一如大多数理论家般,他想法古怪,行事出人意表,竟对实验得来的证据置之不理。The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.据报道,英国体育大臣准备争取试行取消那条禁令。The technique is still at the experimental stage.这项技术还在试验阶段。There is no convenient experimental animal.手头没有现成的供做实验的动物。He was watchful, but not experimental.他观察审慎,但不善于亲自尝试。The music was experimental, and not comprehensible to the average concert-goer.这是实验性音乐,不是普通的音乐会听众所能理解的。Yesterday he changed his tune, saying the fare increase was experimental.昨天他变卦了,说提价只是试行。Personal opinions have their value when they click with experimental results.个人意见与实验结果一致时才有价值。There's a lot of straight theatre at the festival as well as the newer, more experimental stuff.戏剧节上有许多正统的戏剧作品,也有不少比较新、更有实验性的剧目。The samples are heated under experimental conditions.样品是在实验环境下加热的。He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music.他倾向于创作风格奇异且具有高度试验性的音乐作品。The technique is experimental, but the list of its practitioners is growing.这种技术是试验性的,但是采用它的人正在增加。As in all experimental sciences, we still do not know everything about nutrition.与所有实验科学一样,我们仍然没有完全了解营养的全过程。The changes to the distribution system are purely experimental at the moment.目前分配体系的变革纯粹是试验性的。We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life.有关生命起源前后发生了什么,我们通过实验和观察得出了一些证据。There is no experimental evidence for the theory.这一理论还没有实践依据。Her poems are modishly experimental in style and recondite in subject-matter.她的诗在风格上是时髦的实验派,主题艰深难懂。Golding's novel is to some degree experimental in style.戈尔丁的小说风格在一定程度上是试验性的。The fuel is being used on an experimental basis.这种燃料还处于试验性使用阶段。The physicist fudged on his experimental data.那位物理学家捏造实验数据。His critics say it may have been overly simplistic to use only two experimental methods.他的批评者说仅仅使用两种实验方法未免过于简单化。This illustrates how experimental methods can be used to explore these issues.这说明了如何使用实验方法探讨这些问题。He took a few experimental steps forward, then carefully took the descending steps.他向前试探地走了几步,然后小心翼翼地向下走去。A hypothesis is tested by finding experimental evidence for it.假设是通过找到实验证据来验证的。Plans for new city bus routes are still in the experimental stage. 城市公交路线的新方案还处于试验阶段。For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages.但免疫疗法目前仍处于实验阶段。This is an experimental form of teaching.这是一种实验性的教学形式。Scientists know that all experimental results are variable.科学家知道所有的实验结果都是可变的。Both experimental and clinical evidence show that the treatment is effective.实验和临床证据都表明这种疗法是有效的。The operation is still considered risky and experimental.这种手术仍然被认为具有风险性和试验性。He was a daring and experimental writer.他是位大胆的实验性作家。




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