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词汇 戴着帽子
例句 She was hatted against the sun.戴着帽子遮阳。He wore his cap at a jaunty angle.他喜洋洋地歪戴着帽子Several Secret Service agents surrounded the President, all wearing the obligatory raincoat and hat.几名特工围在总统四周,当然是一律穿着风雨衣,戴着帽子He wore his hat at a jaunty angle.他自鸣得意地歪戴着帽子He wears a hat to protect his bald dome from the summer sun.戴着帽子防止圆溜溜的光头被夏天的阳光晒伤。Dan appeared in jeans, wearing his cap backward as usual.丹来了,穿着牛仔裤,像平常一样反戴着帽子Matilda ran towards us with her hat askew.玛蒂尔达歪戴着帽子朝我们跑来。Ialways wear a hat when I work in the garden.我在花园干活儿时总是戴着帽子He wore his hat at a rakish angle. 他潇洒地歪戴着帽子When he came back his hat was at a jaunty angle and he was smiling.他回来时,得意洋洋地歪戴着帽子,脸上带着微笑。




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