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词汇 civilized
例句 The gesture was equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare.这个手势相当于文明战争中的停战旗。The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.文明社会的特征是照顾最弱势群体。The Romans civilized many of the tribes of northern Europe.罗马人开化了北欧许多部落。Stop yelling. We have to be more civilized about this.别喊了。对这件事我们必须表现得更有涵养些。They're brutal people behind their civilized veneer.他们表面上彬彬有礼,骨子里却是野蛮残忍。One of the pillars of a civilized society must be that everyone has equal access to the legal system.文明社会的基础之一就是法律面前人人平等。That is something which we should not be ready to tolerate in a civilized society.那种事情乃是我们在文明社会中所不愿容忍的。I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago.我原以为在文明国家,严刑拷打早已销声匿迹。With my new job, I'll be able to start my day at a more civilized hour. 有了这份新工作,我就不用那么早起床上班了。The rough boy has been civilized by his adopters.那个粗野的男孩在养父母的影响下变得文雅了。There's no reason why we can't behave in a civilized fashion even though we're getting divorced.虽然我们要离婚,但为什么就不能表现得客客气气的呢?Try to act like a civilized human being!尽量表现得像个文明人吧!It might be a civilized place to shop at other times, but come the January sales, it's every man for himself.人们在购物时通常都能保持风度,一月大减价例外,这个时候,人不为己,天诛地灭。Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement.昨天的作供是在激烈但文明地表达分歧的氛围中开始的。A civilized society does not solve conflicts in a way that causes so much suffering.文明社会不会以造成那么多苦难的方式来解决冲突。The UN should authorize the use of power in defence of civilized order.联合国应该批准为维护文明秩序而采取的武力行动。The rough husband has been civilized by his wife.粗野的丈夫在妻子的开导下变得文雅了。The terrorist attack on the UN building has shocked the civilized world.恐怖分子对联合国大楼的袭击震惊了文明世界。This latest art exhibition is an outrage against all civilized standards of behaviour.最近的这次艺术展览是对所有文明行为标准的一种践踏。Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.这样残暴的惩罚会在文明社会引起反感。They lived in a more civilized era. 他们生活在一个更注重正义的时代。They face tougher sanctions and ostracism from the civilized world.他们面临更严厉的制裁和文明世界的排斥。These actions cannot be considered remotely acceptable in a civilized society.这些行为在文明社会中是完全无法接受的。A civilized society must respond to crime with fairness and justice.文明社会对待犯罪活动必须公平公正。Such things should not happen in a civilized society.文明社会不应该发生这种事情。We are now quite civilized with each other and he has remarried.我们现在彼此非常客气,而且他已经再婚了。Let's discuss this in a civilized manner.让我们以文雅的方式讨论这个问题吧。One measure of a civilized and compassionate society is how well it treats its prison population.衡量一个文明和有同情心社会的尺度之一,就是看它是如何对待犯人的。Every room has its own Jacuzzi—very civilized.每个房间都有自己的爵士按摩浴缸,非常舒适。He believes that religion is the foundation of a civilized society.他相信宗教是文明社会的基础。The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.文明社会的标志是照顾弱势群体。This sort of behaviour is quite unacceptable in a civilized society.这种行为在文明社会是无法容忍的。We are civilized people and live civilized lives.我们是文明人,过着文明的生活。Ripe with in-jokes, self-references, and post-modern metaphor, the movie questions a too-civilized world.这部电影驾轻就熟地借助圈内笑话、自我指认和后现代主义的隐喻,对过度文明的世界提出了质疑。A fair justice system is a fundamental part of a civilized society.公正的司法制度是文明社会非常重要的一部分。




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