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词汇 我想知道
例句 Iwonder where Jack's gone.我想知道杰克去哪儿了。I'd love to know what his income is. He has so many new clothes and such an expensive car.我想知道他的收入是多少。他有这么多新衣服,还有这么昂贵的一部汽车。I wonder why you can't credit him with the same generosity of spirit.我想知道你为什么不认为他具有同样崇高的思想境界。I wonder where Caroline is.我想知道卡罗琳在哪里。Sometimes I wonder if people are intrinsically evil.有时候我想知道是否人性本恶。I wonder if you could help me.我想知道你能否帮我个忙。I'd love to know what lies at the bottom of all this.我想知道这一切究竟是怎么一回事。I'm just curious to know what you think.我想知道你的看法仅仅是出于好奇。I wonder whether her stamina will hold out.我想知道她的耐力到底行不行。I'd like to know how much they paid, but they've been mum on that subject.我想知道他们付了多少钱,但是他们一直对此三缄其口。I wonder what/whatever happened to that guy. 我想知道那个人怎么样了。I wonder if he's going to change jobs.我想知道他是否要换工作。I'd like to know, what is the rationale behind your support of this bill?我想知道,你支持这个法案的基本理由是什么? I was wondering if you had any openings for sales staff?我想知道你们的销售部门有空缺吗?I wondered why he should bother to try and establish contact with me.我想知道他为何要费心设法和我取得联系。Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us.恕我冒昧,但是我想知道所有这一切和我们有什么关系。I would like to know why we pensioners are being so badly treated.我想知道为什么我们这些领养老金的人受到如此恶劣的对待。I wonder if that would collocate in the same way.我想知道那是否能够以同样的方式搭配在一起。I want to know who's pulling the strings around here.我想知道是谁在这儿幕后操纵。I wondered what the bulge in her coat pocket was.我想知道她大衣口袋里鼓鼓的是什么东西。I'd like to know your thinking on this.我想知道你对此事的看法。I'd like to know how she came by that black eye.我想知道她眼眶又青又肿是怎么弄的。If there's one thing I want to know, it's where he goes on Thursday afternoons.有一件事我想知道,就是他每个星期四下午都到哪里去了。I wondered where the pictures would end up after the auction.我想知道那些画拍卖后的最终去处。I wanted to know which school it was you went to.我想知道你上的是哪所学校。I wondered why she was behaving in so singular a fashion.我想知道她为什么会有如此奇怪的行为。I'd like to know what else needs clarifying.我想知道还有什么需要澄清。I want to acquaint myself with your strengths and weaknesses.我想知道你有哪些长处以及不足。I want to catch up on all your news.我想知道和你有关的所有最新消息。I wanted to know about her divorce, but I thought it would be tactless to ask.我想知道她离婚的情况,但觉得问的话可能欠妥。I wonder where I put my keys. 我想知道我把钥匙放哪儿了。I'd like to know how you hooked up with Emerald in the first place.我想知道一开始你是怎么跟爱莫瑞德好上的。I wonder what's behind this change of plan.我想知道这次计划改变背后的原因是什么。I wanted to find out how old he was without asking him a direct question.我想知道他的年龄,可是又不想直接问他。I wondered how it came to pass that a thinking man bore the prejudices of his unthinking parents.我想知道一个有思想的人如何忍受他无思想的父母的偏见。I wonder if you could help me - I'd like some information about flights to New Zealand.不知你能否帮我个忙——我想知道些飞往新西兰的相关航班信息。I'd like to know when they'll let him out.我想知道他们什么时候放他。That is just what I want to know.那正是我想知道的。I wonder what that means.我想知道那是什么意思。I'd like to know where I stand.我想知道我可以做什么。




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