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词汇 dispatched
例句 He dispatched the sandwich.他一下子吃掉了三明治。A recovery vehicle was immediately dispatched to the area.一辆抢救车被立刻派往那个地区。The hotel dispatched a limo to pick us up from the airport.宾馆派了一辆豪华轿车到机场接我们。She had dispatched telegrams to her father.她给父亲打了许多电报。She dispatched her affairs and caught the train.她迅速处理完事情后赶上了火车。He dispatched the guard with one bullet.他一枪击毙了卫兵。During the Reign of Terror hundreds were daily dispatched by the guillotine.在大恐怖时期,每天有几百人被送上断头台。The housewife dispatched the salesman.家庭主妇把推销员给打发走了。He dispatched the scoundrel with his sword.他用剑把那恶棍给杀了。A reporter was dispatched to Naples to cover the riot.一名记者被派往那不勒斯报道这场骚乱。Upon receipt of payment by the bank, the goods will be dispatched.一收到银行的付款货物就会发出。The goods are dispatched from a warehouse.商品从仓库派送。Rescue workers were immediately dispatched to the area.救援人员被立即派往这一地区。Scouts were dispatched to secure the area.为确保该地区安全已派出侦察人员巡查。Deer are humanely dispatched with a shotgun.鹿被人道地用猎枪杀掉了。He dispatched the report to his newspaper.他将报导发送给他的报纸。The country has never dispatched military personnel abroad.该国从未向海外派出过军事人员。He dispatched scouts ahead.他派侦察兵打头阵。My sister was dispatched to Scotland.我姐姐被派往苏格兰。The hungry boy quickly dispatched the meal.那个饥饿的男孩几口就把饭吃了。Amy sat outside while Gerald dispatched his business.杰拉尔德忙着处理事务时,埃米在外面坐着。He dispatched all the remaining business.他迅速办完全部未了事宜。He dispatched the defending national champion in a match on Saturday.在星期六的比赛中,他淘汰了卫冕的全国冠军。She easily dispatched her opponent.她轻而易举地淘汰了对手。The local government dispatched police and thugs to clear her family out, before leveling the property.地方政府派警察和暴徒把她一家人赶走,然后推平了她的房子。She dispatched Monaldeschi to Paris to rouse the Cardinal to action.她派莫纳尔代斯基前往巴黎,敦促红衣主教采取行动。He dispatched an experienced worker to repair the damage.他派一个有经验的工人去修理损坏的地方。Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours.货物一般在二十四小时内发送。The mail was metered and dispatched.邮件盖上邮戳发出去了。They are dispatched from our nursery by overnight carrier.它们由夜间运货车从我们的苗圃运走。The American Coast Guard dispatched 6 cutters in one swoop to surround the pirate ship.美国海岸巡防队一口气派出了六艘巡逻艇将海盗船团团围住。He dispatched the job in three days' time.他用三天时间迅速做完这一工作。Please check off these parcels before they are dispatched.这些包裹发出之前请一一核对打钩。Thanks to Margaret's excellent chairmanship, the business of the meeting was speedily and efficiently dispatched.由于玛格丽特的出色主持,会议的议程得以迅速高效地完成。




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