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词汇 我希望
例句 I wish I could sprout wings and fly away.我希望自己能长出翅膀飞走。My hope is that he will get married and settle down soon.我希望的是他早点成家立室。I wish you'd clean up your room without having to be constantly reminded.我希望你自己会打扫房间,不要老要人家提醒。I hope the repairs hold up until we can get to a garage.我希望这样修一下能让我们坚持到修车厂。I wish you'd pony up the money you owe.我希望你将欠的钱付清。I hope your daughter gets into the school.我希望你女儿能被这所学校录取。I hope this statement has helped to clarify a few points.我希望此项声明有助于澄清一些事实。I wish you wouldn't make derogatory remarks about members of my family.我希望你不要毁谤我的家人。I wish she would not tart herself up for the party.我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,花枝招展。I hope I spelled his name correctly.我希望我正确地拼写了他的名字。I hope the book will provide a foothold for students of the subject.我希望这本书能让本专业的学生打下基础。Iwant you to meet my friend Marjorie, who I think I mentioned in my last letter.我希望你见见我的朋友玛乔丽,我想我在上一封信中提到过她。I wish my nail polish wouldn't keep chipping.我希望我的指甲油不要老掉。I want him to respect me as a career woman.我希望他把我当作一个职业女性来尊重。I'm sorry that I have to use this rather loose terminology but I hope you'll know what I mean.对不起,我不得不用这种相当不严谨的术语,但我希望你能明白我的意思。I wanted us to be friends again, but I wasn't prepared to be treated like dirt to achieve it.我希望我们再成为朋友,但是我也不想为此而被你踩在脚下。I hope I turn out to be right.我希望结果证明我是对的。My hope is that by next summer I'll have saved enough money to go travelling.我希望的是明年夏天我能攒够钱去旅行。I wish you'd stop faffing about and do something useful!我希望你别再瞎忙活,干些正经事!I hope that the climbers don't run into a snowstorm halfway up.我希望登山运动员上山时不要在半山遇到暴风雪。I wish to disassociate myself from this very sad decision.我希望我同这个令人遗憾的决定撇清关系。I hope you will choose a different path.我希望你会选择一条不同的道路。I hope to visit in the near future. 我希望近期能去参观。I wish everyone would stop carrying on about it.我希望大家都别再为这件事吵闹了。I want the children to understand sex and grow up without any hang-ups.我希望孩子们了解性,让他们在成长过程中不会有任何困扰。I wish that dog would stop barking.我希望那只狗别叫了。I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up.我希望咱们这次更明智一些,更小心一些。I wish I could stop biting my nails.我希望自己能改掉咬指甲的毛病。I hope I didn't injure her feelings.我希望我没有伤害她的感情。I hope I'll have more ups in the future.我希望将来走运些。I wish my weight would go down.我希望体重会减轻。I hope she was suitably apologetic afterwards.我希望她事后能适当表示歉意。If she doesn't like my work, I wish she'd say so to my face.要是她不喜欢我做的事,我希望她当面指出来。I'd like a job with a nice big pay cheque.我希望有份报酬丰厚的工作。I wish there was more jazz on the radio.我希望收音机里多播放一些爵士乐。I hope there will be time to talk a bit.我希望能有些许时间谈一谈。I hope I've finally gotten my message through to him.我希望我最终把我的意思向他表达清楚了。I hope we can be truthful with each other.我希望我们之间能够坦诚相见。I hope Robert's better by Saturday, because we need him for the team.我希望罗伯特到星期六就康复了,因为我们队里需要他。I hope to continue in my present job.我希望能继续我现在的工作。




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