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词汇 civilians
例句 There are reports of merciless attacks on innocent civilians.有报道说无辜平民受到了残酷无情的攻击。The fall of the fort caused the local civilians to flee.这个要塞的失守使得当地平民纷纷逃离。Eye-witness accounts told of the unprovoked shooting of civilians.目击者讲到平民无故被枪击。Hundreds of civilians were massacred in the raid.数百平民在那次袭击中惨遭杀戮。The civilians were helpless against their attackers.平民面对袭击者无力抵抗。Troops have been accused of unprovoked aggression against innocent civilians.军队被指责无故伤害无辜的平民。There were reprisals against unarmed civilians.手无寸铁的平民遭到了报复。War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians remaining in the capital.对留在首都的平民来说,战争已使生活变得几乎不堪忍受。He accused the troops of the indiscriminate massacre of civilians.他控告军队滥杀平民。Innocent civilians were among the casualties.死伤者中有无辜平民。Every police unit has been ordered to evacuate all civilians.所有警察部队奉命疏散全体平民。Innocent civilians are being arrested and subjected to inhumane treatment.无辜的平民正被逮捕并遭受非人的虐待。We demand an end to the killing of innocent civilians.我们要求停止屠杀无辜平民。Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians might suffer.空袭遭到了批评,因为从人道主义的立场来看,无辜的平民可能会受到伤害。The army had agreed to allow civilians safe passage out of the area.部队已经同意允许平民安全离开该地区。The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration.军方因在平息示威活动时杀死了无辜平民而备受指责。Hundreds of innocent civilians had been slaughtered by government troops.数百名无辜平民遭政府军屠杀。The army allegedly shot dead over 300 unarmed civilians.据说军队射杀了三百多名手无寸铁的平民。The local civilians don't take orders from the military.地方百姓不接受军方命令。Armed groups use their power to tyrannise over civilians.武装组织用武力欺压平民。As many as 10,000 civilians are thought to have fled the area.据信有一万名之多的平民逃离了该地区。Most of the civilians displaced by the war will be unable to return to their homes.大多数由于战争而流亡的平民都无法重返家园。The odds are stacked against civilians getting a fair trial.平民难以得到公正的审判。Hundreds of innocent civilians were slaughtered.几百名无辜平民遭屠杀。So far US authorities have retrieved the bodies of one soldier and four civilians.迄今为止,美国当局已经找回一名士兵及四名平民的尸体。Reports claimed that civilians were being subjected to ruthless repression.报道声称平民正遭受无情镇压。War always involves the slaughter of innocent civilians.战争总是使无辜百姓遭到杀戮。There were more civilians working for the police, freeing officers from desk jobs.更多的平民在为警察部门工作,使得警员从文案中解脱出来。Several civilians were wounded in the crossfire.几名平民在交叉火力中受伤。They did not scruple to bomb innocent civilians.他们毫无顾忌地轰炸无辜的平民。Two civilians were killed when they were caught in the crossfire between the police and the protestors.两个平民在警方和抗议者的交叉火力中不幸身亡。The soldiers were accused of bestial acts against unarmed civilians.士兵因对手无寸铁的平民施以暴行而遭指控。The safety of civilians caught up in the fighting must be guaranteed.卷入战斗的平民的安全必须得到保障。The civilians were evacuated from the city to farms.百姓被从城里疏散到了农庄。The first fatalities of the war were civilians.战争中首当其冲丧命的是平民百姓。Three civilians were injured during the fray.三个平民在冲突中受伤。Soldiers were accused of summary executions of civilians.士兵们被指控草率地处决平民。He disobeyed an order to fire on civilians.他拒不服从向平民开火的命令。How can we sit on the sidelines when thousands of innocent civilians are being killed.当成千上万的无辜平民遭到杀害时,我们怎能袖手旁观呢。There were many military present but only a few civilians.出席的军人很多,平民很少。




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