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词汇 puff out
例句 Henry puffed out his chest proudly.亨利自豪地挺起胸膛。In cold winter, birds puff out their feathers to keep warm.冬天鸟儿鼓起羽毛保暖。The boy puffed out his cheeks.这男孩鼓起他的双颊。She puffed out the story quite a lot.她把这件事大肆地吹嘘了一番。The bird puffed out its chest and burst into song.那只鸟鼓起胸脯开始鸣唱。Do you get puffed out running up and down the stairs?你要是在楼梯上跑上跑下的会不会喘不过气来?Factories puffed out ugly plumes of smoke.工厂吐出团团浓烟。The old man managed to puff out a few words.那老人好容易喘著气说出几句话。He pushed his shoulders back and puffed out his chest with pride.他向后收紧双肩,骄傲地挺起胸膛。He puffed out his cheeks and sat back in his chair.他鼓着腮帮子,坐回椅子上。Her cheeks puffed out like aubergines.她的双颊鼓得像茄子。He puffed out a cloud of smoke from his cigar.他抽着雪茄,喷云吐雾。Wait a minute, I'm puffed out.等一会儿,我喘不过气来。The runner puffed out the news of the victory.那个奔跑的人气喘吁吁地说出了胜利的消息。He puffed out his cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.他鼓起两边腮帮子,还算凑合地模仿他爸爸的样子。The train puffed out of the station.火车吐着烟驶出了车站。He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath.他鼓起胖乎乎的腮帮子,呼出了一大口热气。He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out his breath.他鼓起胖乎乎的腮帮子,呼出了一口气。She puffed out the kerosene lamp.她吹灭了煤油灯。Steam puffed out of the chimney.蒸汽从烟囱里一股一股地喷出来。He puffed out his chest proudly.他骄傲地挺起胸膛。Faint wisps of grey smoke puffed out.一缕缕灰色的轻烟被吹散了。She puffed out her cheeks, made a wish, and blew out the candles on her cake.她鼓起腮帮子,许了个愿,然后吹灭了蛋糕上的蜡烛。A gust of wind puffed out the boat's sails.一阵风吹来,鼓起了船上的风帆。Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.斯坦鼓起瘦瘦的脸颊,像模像样地模仿着他的爸爸。He drew heavily on his cigarette and puffed out a cloud of smoke.他猛吸了一口烟,吐出一团烟雾。His chest puffed out with indignation at the suggestion.听到这个建议,他肺都气炸了。She puffed out the candle and went to bed.她吹灭了蜡烛,然后上了床。




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