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词汇 puffs
例句 Her breath came in short painful puffs.她的喘气短促而痛苦。She put the cigarette out after a few puffs.她吸了几口之后就把雪茄弄灭了。We'll never win with a bunch of cream puffs on our team!就凭这么一帮懦夫,我们队永远也别想赢!She took two puffs on her inhaler before going for a run.开始跑步之前,她用吸药器吸了两口药。The end flared, but he got two puffs from it before he nipped it out for later.烟头烧旺了,他又抽了两口,才把它掐灭留着以后抽。We saw puffs of smoke billowing from the chimney.我们看见烟囱中冒出阵阵青烟。The camels rolled and played in the white dust, raising puffs of cloud.骆驼在白色的沙土里打滚嬉戏,扬起阵阵尘雾。She was taking quick puffs at her cigarette like a beginner.她像刚开始抽烟的人一样很快地吸着。The locomotive let off puffs of steam.火车头喷出一股股蒸汽。Only stuck-up puffs wore school uniform.只有自以为是的男同性恋才会穿校服。She was taking quick puffs at her cigarette.她大口大口地吸着烟。Her breath came in puffs and gasps.她气喘吁吁了。He ignored the incredulous puffs from his audience.他没有理会听众发出的质疑声。There were fairy cakes and cream puffs.有小仙人松糕和奶油泡芙。




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