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词汇 感到惊讶
例句 I'm surprised that a man of your reputation would stoop to this.感到惊讶,像你这样有声望的人竟会堕落到如此地步。I was struck by the shabbiness of the furnishings.感到惊讶的是家具非常破旧。I was surprised at how well people in that country treated me, a non-native.那个国家的人们对我这个异国人如此友好,让我感到惊讶The organization was taken completely by surprise by the announcement.这项声明着实让这个组织感到惊讶He hadn't expected to see her, but he was surprised at how quickly memories of Paris came flooding back.他未料到会见到她,但他对巴黎的那些记忆那么快涌上心头感到惊讶At first, he seemed surprised by my questions.起初,他似乎对我的问题感到惊讶The scale of the riots seemed to surprise even the most astute commentators.暴乱的规模似乎使最精明的时事评论员也感到惊讶We marvelled that he had learned six languages in a short time.我们感到惊讶的是,他在短时间里学会了六种语言。He was surprised by his wife's omission from the list.他对自己的妻子未列入名单感到惊讶I'm surprised by the film's continuing popularity.这部电影经久不衰,让我感到惊讶I was surprised by her rudeness.她的无礼让我感到惊讶He was surprised by the child's deceitfulness.他对这个孩子的不诚实感到惊讶Do not be surprised if she directs her anger at you.如果她冲你发火,别感到惊讶Most of the cast was amazed by the play's success.大多数演员都为该剧大获成功而感到惊讶I'm not surprised he walked out, after the way she treated him.她那样对待他,所以我对他的出走并不感到惊讶The girl blinked at the height of the basketball player.这女孩对那个篮球运动员的身高感到惊讶I was surprised by his lack of tact.他这样不得体让我感到惊讶The news came as a surprise to no one. 没人对这个消息感到惊讶I was less angry than surprised.我并不怎么生气,更多的倒是感到惊讶You'd be surprised at what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.当你集中精力做事的时候,你会为自己取得的成绩感到惊讶After she got over the initial surprise of being tricked, she started getting angry.最初她对被骗感到惊讶,过后开始生气。No one was surprised by the defendant's contradiction of the plaintiff's accusations.被告驳斥了原告的指控,没有人对此感到惊讶They surprised everyone by moving to the Bahamas.他们移居巴哈马群岛,让所有人都感到惊讶We were surprised by the appearance of smoke in the distance.远处冒出的烟雾使我们感到惊讶I am surprised to hear about the changes.听到这些变化,我感到惊讶She'll have got herself another job, I shouldn't wonder.她会再找到一份工作的,我对此不会感到惊讶The news that he was getting married really made her sit up.他要结婚的消息着实让她感到惊讶I was surprised by his coolness towards us.他对我们的冷淡态度使我感到惊讶Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.尼尔说陈词滥调的能事总是让我感到惊讶It never fails to surprise me that people can be so gullible. 人竟然那么容易上当,这总令我感到惊讶Readers will be unsurprised by her revelations.读者不会对她披露的真相感到惊讶I was surprised by the shortness of the meeting.我对会议的简短感到惊讶He was surprised to see his room in such a litter.他看到自己的房间被弄得如此乱七八糟感到惊讶The doctors were surprised at Phillip's quick recovery.医生对菲利普的迅速康复感到惊讶She was astonished at the look of reproach on his face.她对他脸上露出的责备的神色感到惊讶The suddenness of this move surprised observers.这一突然的举动使观察员感到惊讶I was surprised by the abruptness of her manner.我对她的粗鲁举止感到惊讶I was amazed at his conduct.我对他的行为感到惊讶She was astonished to hear what had happened.她听到了所发生的事感到惊讶His anger is unsurprising.他的愤怒并不让人感到惊讶




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