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词汇 愈来愈
例句 There is a growing appreciation of the need for change.改革的迫切性愈来愈为人们所知。His financial situation is growing more precarious, but he's not ready to strike the flag.他的经济状况愈来愈不济了,但他还不打算承认失败。Even in fascist Italy sanity became more and more articulate.即使在当时法西斯主义统治下的意大利,理智也正愈来愈有力地显示出来。There were growing doubts about the victory statement.人们对胜利的捷报愈来愈怀疑了。I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse.我原来以为情况会改善,但实际上情况变得愈来愈糟。With the city developing rapidly, property in the center is becoming more expensive.这个城市发展迅速,市中心的房地产愈来愈贵。I find myself in growing disagreement with him.我觉得自己跟他愈来愈合不来了。Programmes on television have degenerated into weary, predictable repetitions of each other.电视节目愈来愈糟,尽是些沉闷乏味看头就知尾的情节雷同之作。Relations between the two countries are getting increasingly sour.两国之间的关系正在变得愈来愈敌对。Campaign workers grew increasingly disconsolate as the results came in.竞选活动的工作人员在选举结果一一揭晓时愈来愈沮丧。The cars had stopped at the sound of the approaching siren.这些汽车听到愈来愈近的警笛声便停了下来。The latest economic figures have stirred fears of growing inflation.最新的经济统计数字引起了人们对愈来愈严重的通货膨胀的恐惧。The drive on the party was gaining momentum.对那个政党的攻势愈来愈激烈了。Natural science divagated more and more from metaphysics.自然科学跟形而上学愈来愈分道扬镳了。The international laws against piracy have become much more stringent over the last 10 years.在过去十年间,国际上反盗版的法律愈来愈严谨。The sea is savage and building.海浪愈来愈汹涌。Amid mounting excitement, an official came forward to announce the result of the election.人们愈来愈兴奋,这时一位官员上前来宣布选举结果。All in all, the companies overseas are in good heart and health and should bring grist to the mill in increasing measure as the years mature.总而言之,设在国外的公司情况很好,随着时光的流逝可能会愈来愈赚钱。People nowadays are becoming more and more concerned about the quality of the air they breathe.人们现在愈来愈关心他们呼吸的空气的质量。Women were becoming more politically active.妇女在政治上变得愈来愈活跃。His work has been going downhill recently.最近他的作业愈来愈糟。Some programs on television have degenerated into weary repetitions of each other.某些电视节目愈来愈糟,沉闷乏味,相互雷同。This strategy looks increasingly moth-eaten.这种策略愈来愈显得老套。The room was thickening with dusk.房间随暮色变得愈来愈暗。The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road.卡车沿著陡峭的道路往下开时,冲力愈来愈大。He started drinking, and now he is on the skids.他开始喝酒,现在情况愈来愈糟了。




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