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词汇 惩罚
例句 The voters may be ready to punish the politicians who devised a faint-hearted solidarity pact.选民们也许已经作好准备,去惩罚那些制订了懦弱的团结协定的政客。Mrs Green really came down on him for swearing.格林太太因他骂脏话而狠狠惩罚了他。If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.如果你继续烦她,我就只好惩罚你了。It may seem harsh to punish him, but he has to learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.惩罚他可能显得有点严厉,但是他必须知道,这样的行为是不能接受的。In those days, children were flogged as a punishment.那时候儿童遭鞭打是一种惩罚The boy was punished for his impudence.那个男孩因放肆而受到了惩罚Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.民主党人会抱怨他过分看重惩罚,而忽视了预防和解决措施。The reward/punishment he received was richly deserved.他得到的奖励/惩罚完全是理所当然/罪有应得。He has cheated people and escaped punishment.他欺骗了人们,而且逃过了惩罚He decided to make a clean breast of what had happened and risk being punished.他决定冒着被惩罚的危险如实坦白发生的一切。If you ask me, they let him off the hook too easily.依我看,他们太轻易就让他逃过了惩罚It is morally wrong to punish someone for something they did not do.惩罚一个受冤枉的人,这从道德上来说是错误的。The thief escaped without punishment.那小偷逃脱了惩罚Investigators are taking aim at health-care fraud. 调查人员致力于惩罚/杜绝医疗保健欺诈行为。No action was taken, and his reward for dissent was a caution.对于他不服从裁判没有进行任何惩罚,只是给予警告。We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence.我们认为对这样的小错,这种惩罚太严酷了。The killing was cold-blooded, and those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished.那次谋杀极其残暴,犯下这样暴行的人应该受到审判和惩罚The slaves were punished for rebelling against their owners.奴隶们因反叛奴隶主而受到了惩罚His parents threatened to punish him, but he didn't take them seriously. 父母说要惩罚他,但他并不把他们的话当回事。Punishment cannot be discussed in isolation from social theory.不能脱离社会理论孤立地讨论惩罚The goal is not to punish the rebels, but to convince them that it is futile to resist.目的不是要惩罚叛乱分子,而是要让他们确信反抗是徒劳的。The government is proposing tougher punishments for officials convicted of corruption.政府提议对已被定罪的贪污腐败官员实施更为严厉的惩罚The teacher didn't have the heart to punish the youngest of the class.老师不忍心惩罚班里最小的孩子。The hardest part of the punishment was the denial of his right to see his children.这项惩罚最苛刻的部分是剥夺了他看望自己孩子的权利。The boss is not going to discipline anybody.老板不会惩罚任何人。He punished the bold child for talking back.惩罚了那个放肆的小孩,因为他顶嘴。Any act of disobedience was severely punished.任何不守规则的行为都将受到严厉的惩罚He escaped punishment by reason of his youth.他因为年轻,得以免除惩罚The jury believed his brief and he got off.陪审团采信了他出庭律师的辩护,他因此逃脱了惩罚Soldiers were punished severely if they were suspected of sympathising with student agitators.军人如果有同情学生鼓动者的嫌疑,就会受到严厉的惩罚He called down a blessing/curse on the king. 他祈求上帝保佑/惩罚国王。The state has established harsh penalties for drug dealers.政府已经针对毒贩制定了严厉的惩罚措施。He faces severe penalties for his actions.他的行为使他面临着严厉的惩罚You'll find that Mr Evans comes down very hard on people who don't do their job properly.你会发现,埃文斯先生会非常严厉地惩罚不好好干活的人。The Senator's public humiliation is almost punishment enough for what he did.参议员在公众面前丢尽脸面,对于他的所作所为,这种惩罚几乎已经足够。The teacher punished the class by piling on more work. 惩罚这个班的学生,老师给他们布置了更多的作业。For these individuals all punishment is clearly useless as a psychological counteraction of crime.对这些人来说,用作在心理上抵消罪恶的任何惩罚都显然无效。Discipline, however, is outside the remit of the college.然而,惩罚却不属学院的职权范围。They vowed to avenge their father by capturing and punishing his killer.他们发誓要抓住并惩罚凶手为父报仇。We were shocked at the severity of the penalty.我们对惩罚之重感到吃惊。




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