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The company is based in London. 这家公司的总部在伦敦。The UN headquarters are in New York.联合国的总部在纽约。The Sydney-based pool constructor has had its trading licence suspended.那家总部在悉尼的水池建筑公司被吊销了营业执照。The company's headquarters is/are in Amsterdam.公司的总部在阿姆斯特丹。Our company's base is in Taipei, but we have branches all over the island.我们公司的总部在台北,但是全岛都有分公司。The company's main/home office is in San Francisco.公司的总部在旧金山。He owns a management consulting business based in Santa Barbara.他拥有一家管理咨询公司,总部在圣巴巴拉。 |