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A frisson of apprehension rippled round the theatre.剧场里顿时泛起一片疑惧。The audience trickled into the theater in twos and threes.人们三三两两地走进剧场。The actors were rehearsing in the theater.演员们正在剧场里排练。The theatre lights dimmed and the show began.剧场的灯光暗了下来,表演开始。The Theatre Royal is one of the oldest playhouses in Britain.皇家剧院是英国最古老的剧场之一。There were several autograph seekers/hounds outside the theater.剧场外有几个人等着索要签名。At the Old Vic the rake was so steep that I could hardly keep my balance.在老维克剧场,地面倾度如此之大,我简直无法保持平衡。The interior-decorating firm created the foyer.内部装饰公司设计并完成了剧场门厅的装饰任务。The radio concert was relayed live from the theatre.音乐会从剧场作现场实况转播。Crowds flocked after the popular singer as he left the theatre.当歌星离开剧场时,人群簇拥在他身后。Her fans pack into theaters to hear her sing.她的粉丝涌入剧场听她演唱。The rake of the theater floor is a bit too steep.剧场的地板斜度太大了一点。The lights went down in the theatre just before the play began.戏就要开演时,剧场里的灯光转暗。We arrived early at the theater and spent a few minutes looking around.我们很早就到达剧场,花了几分钟四下参观了一番。There was a full house at the opening night of the play.该剧首次上演的那个晚上,剧场客满。A stream of people issued from the theatre.一股人流从剧场涌出。The whole theatre was muttering in annoyance.整个剧场怨声一片。The house was filled with paper.剧场里满是凭赠券入场的观众。The amphitheatre was wreathed with festoons of laurel and magnolia.环形剧场里缠绕着月桂和木兰花做的花彩。Please exit the theatre by the side doors.请从侧门离开剧场。The performance was recorded live at the Hollywood Bowl.这次表演已在好莱坞露天音乐剧场做了实况录制。If you don't subsidize ballet and opera, seat prices will have to go up to pay for it.如果你不为芭蕾和歌剧提供补贴,就得提高剧场票价来为此买单。I'll be really upset if they tear the old theater down.如果他们拆了那座旧剧场,我会非常难受的。She spends her free time acting in community theater.她闲暇时在社区剧场表演。He uses low-tech theatrical devices to great effect.他极其有效地运用了一些低技术的剧场设备。If you leave the theater, you won't be allowed to reenter without showing a ticket stub.如果离开剧场,须出示入场券副券方能重新入场。People trickled into the theater.人们陆续走进剧场。About half an hour before the performance, the theatre starts to fill up.演出开始前半个小时左右,剧场开始渐渐坐满了。He tried to get into the theater but was refused admission. 他试图进入剧场,但遭到了拒绝。The theatre held the acrobats over for another two weeks.剧场约请杂技演员再演两周。The theater is always packed when he performs there.他演出时剧场总是被挤得水泄不通。We're looking forward to an evening at the theater.我们期待着将在剧场举办的晚会。She is laying down tracks at London's Roundhouse Studios.她正在伦敦的圆屋剧场录制歌曲。The old factory is being recycled as a theatre.这家老厂正被改建作剧场。Not all theatres / theaters can fill their seats so easily.不是所有的剧场都能轻易坐满观众。I'd like seats on the front row.我想要剧场前排的座位。The theatre is open every weeknight.剧场每个周日夜晚都营业。Doesn't it frustrate you that audiences in the theatre are so restricted?观众在剧场里要受到如此多的限制,这难道不令人恼火吗?His work in theatre runs parallel with his television career.他同时在剧场和电视台工作。The bomb threat emptied the crowded theater. 炸弹威胁吓得所有人都离开了剧场。 |