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词汇 剧本
例句 The historical background to the play has been very carefully and thoroughly researched.这部剧本的历史背景已经精心缜密的研究。Fellini collaborated with Rossellini on the script of the film.费利尼与罗塞利尼合写这部电影的剧本McEwan's play was banned by the BBC.麦克尤恩的剧本遭英国广播公司禁播。The argument of the play develops with clarity.那个剧本的情节层次分明。The play's central theme is greed and its corrupting effects.这个剧本的中心主题是人性的贪婪和它的腐蚀作用。Branagh says that it was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play.布莱纳说他的用意是将剧本中的隐晦含意在电影中清晰明白地表现出来。They're paying you ten grand now for those adaptations of old plays.他们打算付你一万美元作为改编老剧本的报酬。The play was amusingly written, but its subject was a serious one.剧本写得风趣逗笑,但其主题则是严肃的。The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.多年来该剧本一直在修改。I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny.我等了很长时间,直到出现了一个我认为真正逗趣的剧本His new play is as intricate, elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written.他的新剧本和他写过的任何作品一样,错综复杂、构思精巧并且富含典故。He penned the script with his long-time writing partner.他与他的长期搭档合写了该剧本It is difficult to say with certainty which of the plays was written first.这些剧本哪一部是最先写的,很难有定论。It's so difficult to cut even a couple of scenes from a play without losing some of the story.一个剧本即使只是删一两个场面,也很难做到不丢失故事情节的。All of her major plays have been translated into English.她的主要剧本都被译成了英文。Garcia Gutierrez wrote two plays with revolutionaries as their heroes.加西亚·古铁雷斯写了两个剧本,都以革命者为主人公。He approached John Wexley with a commission to write the screenplay of the film.他找到约翰·韦克斯利,委托他创作这部电影的剧本Playwrights get jealous when the ad-libs are funnier than the script.当即兴台词比剧本更滑稽时,编剧会感到嫉妒。Shakespeare's plays were written for the theater, but many people study them as literature.莎士比亚的剧本是为舞台表演而写,但是许多人也把它们作为文学来研究。Every play written for the stage is a pas de deux between language and action.所有为舞台演出而写的剧本都是语言和动作的相辅相成。His first play has been translated to the screen.他写的第一个剧本已被搬上银幕。The production is misrepresentative of the spirit of the play.演出歪曲了剧本真实的意义。The plays are in rhyme.这些剧本以韵文写成。He was ever careful to check his scripts.他一向都认真检查剧本The play was interdicted by law.剧本被依法禁演。All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted.我对剧本的所有建议都被采纳了。The editor found condensation of the play very difficult.编辑认为压缩这个剧本难度很大。She won this year's Emmy for best screenplay for a miniseries.她获得了今年艾美奖的电视连续短剧最佳剧本奖。During certain scenes of the play there isn't any script and the actors just improvise (the dialogue).这出戏有几场没有剧本,演员们就即兴表演(对白)。Many reviewers laced into the play.许多评论家抨击这个剧本I've never enjoyed his plays - somehow all his characters are cardboard.我向来不喜欢他的剧本——他笔下的人物都有些做作。The historical background to the play has been very carefully researched.这部剧本的历史背景已有人作过仔细的研究。I scripted three episodes of the show.我给这部剧写了三集剧本I waited a long time until a script came along that I liked.我等了很长时间,才等到了一个我喜欢的剧本This is the very same house where Shakespeare wrote most of his plays.莎士比亚就是在这同一个房子里创作了他的大部分剧本O'Neill had a string of successes with his first four plays.奥尼尔的头四个剧本接连获得成功。The script was conceived by him.剧本是他写成的。Freddie would tell me nothing about what he was writing, except that it was to be a Christmas play.弗雷迪丝毫不肯透露他正在写什么,只告诉我那是一个圣诞节剧本The actors studied all of the particularities of the script.演员们研究了剧本的所有细节。Brook commissioned a couple of dramatists to write a play for him.布鲁克委托几名剧作家为他撰写一个剧本




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