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词汇 怪诞的
例句 His music has a certain gonzo charm.他的音乐具有某种怪诞的魅力。The play veers from loopy comedy to serious moralizing.这部戏从怪诞的喜剧转成了严肃的道德说教。Her father said she had been brainwashed by a bizarre religious cult.她的父亲说她被一种怪诞的邪教洗了脑。He's an eccentric fop.他是个怪诞的花花公子。This eerie calm is an illusion.这种怪诞的平静是一种假象。Detective Oakley was mystified. He had never seen such a strange set of evidence in the whole of his career.奥克利探长糊涂了,他从事侦探工作以来还没见过如此怪诞的一套证据。Gothic churches are full of devils and grotesque figures.哥特式的教堂到处都饰有魔鬼和形状怪诞的形象。His fast-paced novels are full of bizarre situations and madcap antics.他那些快节奏的小说里充满了怪诞的场景和荒唐的行为。It was a bizarre scene.那是怪诞的一幕。His estate was home to the republic's most off-the-wall rock festival.他的庄园是音乐界最怪诞的摇滚音乐节的发源地。I just heard the most bizarre story.我刚刚听到了一个最怪诞的故事。That strange story beats everything I have ever heard.那个怪诞的故事我真是闻所未闻。She looks with disfavour on the offbeat or grotesque.她对非常规和怪诞的事物看不顺眼。




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