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词汇 cloak
例句 He was arrested after a cloak-and-dagger operation involving the CIA and MI6.他在中情局和军情六处联合展开的秘密行动中被捕。The fascists used artful slogans to cloak themselves as saviours of the world.法西斯分子用欺骗性口号把自己打扮成救世主。Today most of England will be under a cloak of thick mist.今天英国的大部分地区将会被浓雾笼罩。They met in classic cloak-and-dagger style beside the lake in St James's Park.他们像经典间谍片所演的那样,偷偷摸摸地在圣詹姆斯公园的湖边见面。Humility is made the cloak of pride.谦卑成了傲慢的伪装。Never could one find a single wimple on this cloak.从来没人能从这件斗篷上找到一个褶裥。All of a sudden a tall man in a black cloak loomed out of the murk.一位身穿黑斗篷的高大男人突然从黑暗中耸现。He slandered me under the cloak of friendship.他在友谊的幌子下对我进行诽谤。She threw a heavy cloak over her shoulders.她把一件厚重的斗篷披到肩上。They did it under the cloak of darkness.他们是趁著黑夜干的。He pulled his cloak tightly around himself.他把斗篷紧紧裹在身上。Foresight had remembered me to take my cloak along.预见提醒我带上我的大氅。He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head to avoid recognition.他拉起披风的帽子罩住头以防别人认出他来。She had a magic cloak that made her invisible.她有一件魔法斗篷可以让她隐形。Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy.婚礼的准备工作是秘密进行的。A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements.可能是有人故意放火掩护小规模的部队协同行动。She stormed off, her cloak flying behind her.她气呼呼地冲了出去,斗篷在身后飞扬。His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intentions.他的友善的行为是他险恶用心的伪装。One approach is to cloak the subject in highfalutin words and obscure concepts.一种办法是用冠冕堂皇的言辞和模棱两可的概念来掩饰这个话题。The invaders attacked under a cloak of fog.侵略者在雾色的掩护下发起了进攻。All of a sudden a tall old man in a black cloak loomed out of the murk.一位身着黑斗篷的高个儿老者突然从暗处闪了出来。The cloak of secrecy was pulled aside by him.神秘的外衣被他撩开了。She gathered her cloak around her before stepping outside.她裹紧身上的披风,走了出去。He wore a black cloak, like a pantomime villain.他身披黑色斗篷,活似童话剧中的坏蛋。He wiped his knife on a fold of his cloak.他用斗篷的褶子擦了擦刀。She was released from prison in a cloak and dagger operation yesterday.在昨天的一次秘密行动中她从监狱获释。Their plans were shrouded in a cloak of secrecy.他们的计划是保密的。The political party is used as a cloak for terrorist activities.这个政党被用作搞恐怖活动的幌子。Her cloak streamed out behind her as she ran.她奔跑时,斗篷在身后飘荡。He wore a silk cloak over a finely embroidered robe.他在绣工精细的袍子外套了一件真丝斗篷。Charlie sheared the fleece, carded it, spun it, wove it into cloth, and made a new wool cloak.查理剪了羊毛,梳理后,纺成毛线,织成布,然后做了一件新的羊毛斗篷。The cloak was riven from his back.那件披风被拉下了他的肩背。The girl wore a red cloak.那姑娘穿著一件红色斗篷。




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