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词汇 chose
例句 Johnson was free to divvy up his share of the money as he chose.约翰逊可以自行分派他那份钱。Sadly, they chose to ignore our advice.可惜,他们决定置我们的意见而不顾。She chose to have/get an abortion.她选择做人工流产。Helen chose the gentlest blues and greens and knitted them up into a soft scarf.海伦选择最温和的蓝色和绿色,并把他们织成了一条柔软的围巾。She chose to blow-dry her own hair.她自己把头发吹出造型。They were intelligent and educated, yet they chose to kidnap and kill.他们聪明、有文化,然而却选择了绑架杀人。We chose mahogany because of its rich tones and strong vertical grain.我们选择桃花心木是因为它底色鲜艳,竖直的纹路清晰可见。He chose the Democratic Party as his new allegiance.他选择民主党作为新的效忠对象。We chose a large level grassy pitch for our caravan.我们选了一大片平坦的草地停放我们的旅行拖车。Directors are right to cut their losses, admit they chose the wrong man and make a change.董事们当断则断,承认自己选错了人,并且作了人员变更,这样做是正确的。My parents always told me I'd succeed at anything I chose to do.我父母总是对我说,不管我选择做什么,我都会成功的。They chose a name descriptive of the company's philosophy.他们选择了一个体现公司理念的名字。He chose George as his assistant.他选择乔治做他的助手。He could have escaped, but he chose to stand and fight.他本来可以逃走的,但他选择留下来战斗。After India became independent, she chose to be a member of the Commonwealth.印度独立后,自主选择成为英联邦的成员。She chose a crisp white wine for dinner.她选了一种爽口的白葡萄酒来搭配晚餐。We chose some curtains with a flower motif.我们选择了一些带花卉图案的窗帘。The artist chose colors that are dark and muted.这位艺术家选择了深暗的颜色。He chose her above all that roomful.在全室的人之中,他特别选中她。We chose option B over option A.我们选择了第二个选项,而不是第一个选项。They chose Alex for the last leg of the relay race because he was an excellent sprinter.他们选了亚历克斯在接力赛中跑最后一段,因为他是名优秀的短跑运动员。He chose to join the company as a market researcher.他选择到这家公司做了市场研究员。They chose her in preference to me.他们选择了她而不是我。She chose fairly neutral make-up.她选择淡妆。I told him to drive more slowly, but he chose to ignore my advice.我跟他说了要慢慢开车,但他就是不听我的劝告。Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional people.安妮选择了一家以专业人士为服务对象的高端代理商。They won the coin toss and chose to receive.他们猜对了掷硬币,选择了接开球。I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.我不费吹灰之力就可以得到我看中的任何东西。We chose a large, level site for our tent.我们选了一大片平坦的地方搭帐篷。We chose that company because we thought they were reputable.我们选择了那家公司是因为我们认为他们声誉良好。I chose the day before her departure to make the announcement.我决定在她离开的前一天宣布这件事。Doug chose to quit rather than admit that he'd made a mistake.道格选择放弃而不是承认他犯了错They chose to investigate reasons for the preponderance of large families among the poor and ill-educated.他们选择了调查穷人和受教育程度低下的人群中大家庭占多数的原因。The fabric that she chose to be made into a dress is a combination of silk and cotton.她选用的衣料是丝棉的混纺品。They chose a table right in the corner of the restaurant.他们在餐馆的一角选了张桌子。I chose a spot well away from the road.我选了一个远离马路的地点。We chose not to undertake the project because of the enormous costs involved.由于涉及巨额费用,我们选择不承担这个项目。They chose to die nobly rather than to betray their king.他们宁可高尚地死去,也不愿背叛自己的国王。He chose the seat farthest from the door.他选择了离门最远的座位。He chose Simi Valley in Ventura County mainly because it was conveniently close to Los Angeles.他选择住在文图拉县的西米山谷,主要是因为这里离洛杉矶很近,很方便。




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