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词汇 心头
例句 The threat of redundancy was still hanging over us.失业的威胁依然笼罩在我们心头Depression settled over her like a heavy black cloud.忧郁情绪就像一片沉重的乌云笼罩在她的心头Even after years of psychiatric treatment, she was full of hidden anger.即使经过了多年的心理治疗,她还是有满腔的怒火藏在心头My desire to be rich was an insane, unwholesome, oppressive desire.我对财富的渴望既疯狂又病态,犹如心头的一块重石。A ripple of unease passed through her.一阵不安在她心头掠过。The black memory of his mother's death rushed over him again.母亲的死这件使他十分悲痛的往事又涌上他的心头The decision weighs heavy on my mind. 这个决定沉重地压在我心头,让我焦虑不安。Everything is crowding in on me.所有事一齐涌上我的心头Her heart dropped like a stone at this news.听到这个消息她心头一沉。The film star became wild with anger over the imposition on her privacy.那位电影明星因私生活受到干预心头直冒怒火。He was pursued by horrible memories.可怕的回忆萦绕在他心头Anger swelled in him.心头升起怒火。Finally, she broached the subject that had been playing on her mind for days.最后她终于开口说了压在她心头多日的那个话题。The decision to leave her children now haunts her.抛下孩子们的决定现在总在她心头挥之不去。Sylvia tried to push her worries from her mind.西尔维亚力图排遣心头的烦恼事。He pushed the thought from his mind.他抛开心头这个想法。Her words brought him a glow of satisfaction.她的话让他心头涌起一股满足感。The same thoughts kept going through my mind and I couldn't get to sleep.这些念头不断掠过我心头,使我无法入睡。I felt a sudden anger inside me.一股怒火蹿上我的心头Old memories often recurred to him.往事常常重新浮现在他的心头When I thought about it, it all came back.当我回想起来,往事全都涌上了心头Thoughts and memories of home kept running through his mind.对家的思念和回忆总萦绕在他心头He looked ready to explode but then he swallowed his gall.他看来快要发作了,可是随即又把心头的怒火强忍了下去。Some of those thoughts keep recurring, even though I try to stop them.有一些想法总在我心头萦绕,挥之不去。Resentment was still bubbling inside her.仇恨依然在她心头翻滚。The king needed the assassin dead, for the death of the man would be a catharsis for him.国王定要处死刺客,这样才解他的心头之恨。Day in, day out the same thoughts were going round and round in my head.日复一日,同样的想法一直萦绕在我心头She felt a sudden pang of guilt.一阵罪恶感突然涌上她的心头She had a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach.心头一沉,有种不祥的预感。On the day of the circus the children were atingle with excitement.演出马戏的那一天,孩子们兴奋得心头痒痒的。A wave of nostalgia came over him.一股思乡之情涌上他的心头He was safe in the knowledge that Lowell was dead.他知道洛厄尔已死,心头很踏实。Don't knock your head on the beam.心头碰横梁。Fear of failure loomed large in his mind.对失败的担忧沉重地压在他的心头A wave of distrust swept over him.心头涌上一阵不信任感。Fury continually rose inside me.怒火不断在我心头上升。He felt panic rising within him.他感到心头涌起一阵恐慌。The resentments and the longings lingered.怨恨与热望仍堆在心头无法褪去。The coruscations of immortal truth will shine into us.不朽真理放射出的熠熠光芒将照进我们心头The President's speech yesterday must have stuck in the minds of many people.总统昨天的演讲一定铭记在许多人的心头




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