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词汇 律师团
例句 His lawyers have vowed that they will fight the court's decision.他的律师团发誓要对法庭的裁决提起上诉。To support this contention, his lawyers quoted a statement made by McMahon in a previous case.为了证明自己的论断,他的律师团援引了麦克马洪在前一件案子中的陈述。She got a legal dream team to work on the case.她找到最好的律师团队来处理这个案子。He chagrined his decorum-conscious legal team by a display of histrionics.他装模作样的样子令他非常注重礼仪的律师团十分窘迫。The details have been lodged in court by Mr Walker's legal team.这些细节是由沃克先生的律师团在法庭上提出的。The company hired a team of lawyers to advise them.公司雇用了一个律师团来给他们做顾问。




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