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词汇 很有趣
例句 She found him entertaining enough to overtook his faults.她觉得他很有趣,足以让她忽略他的缺点。I've always liked Sally - she's a lot of fun.我一直喜欢萨莉—她很有趣He was comically tall and thin with a long growth of untidy beard.他又高又瘦,有一把乱蓬蓬的长胡子,看上去很有趣He's a very funny guy.他是个很有趣的人。The film is funny without once being gaggy.这部电影很有趣,而插科打诨一点也不过分。I like Peter – he's a good laugh.我喜欢彼得 — 他很有趣I read his latest novel. That was very interesting.我读过他最近的小说。那本小说很有趣I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.关于这个话题我已经知之甚多,但她的报告听起来还是很有趣Some bits of the book are actually quite funny.那本书中有些片段真的很有趣His spirited commentary makes a match very interesting even on the radio.他对比赛作的实况报导十分生动,即使从收音机收听也很有趣The planetarium is interesting to visit near the school.天文馆是学校附近很有趣的参观点。The work's really interesting but the pay's lousy.这工作确实很有趣,可报酬很低。The Scottish peerage has an interesting history.苏格兰贵族史很有趣The course was interesting but I need to put it all into practice now.这门课很有趣,但我需要现在就把所学付诸实践。Tony Benn's diaries are a rollicking read.托尼·本的日记读起来很有趣Suddenly the show came to life.表演突然变得很有趣In the event, it turned out to be rather fun.结果这原来很有趣It's great fun for us to be with her.我们同她在一起很有趣It's an interesting theory, but I don't think it will stand up to close examination.这理论很有趣,但我认为它经不起仔细推敲。My mother was embarrassed, but I found the situation highly amusing.我妈很窘,可我觉得这场面很有趣Her report contained some interesting suggestions.她的报告中有一些很有趣的建议。The book makes for interesting/good reading. 这本书很有趣/很好。This subject is intrinsically interesting and worthy of study in its own right.这个题目本身就很有趣,值得好好研究一番。The drama has an interesting political subtext.这出戏剧具有很有趣的政治潜台词。It will be interesting to see how he reacts.看他如何反应将会很有趣He's funny, energetic, understanding, and a great teacher.很有趣,精力充沛,善解人意,是一个很好的老师。For the artistically inclined, the markets are full of interest.对有艺术天赋的人来说,这些市场是很有趣的。From a distance I suppose it'll seem funny.长远来看,我认为它似乎很有趣He made an interesting remark.他的评论很有趣We'd better go to the party, but I doubt if it'll be very exciting.我们最好还是去参加聚会,可我不知道聚会会不会很有趣It was fascinating to listen to the radio chatter from the ships.在轮船上听广播里有人聊天很有趣You have a funny way of showing that you like her.你向她示爱的方式很有趣It's an interesting book, and well worth reading.那本书很有趣,很值得一读。It will be interesting to see what happens when he gets a bit older.看看他年纪老些时是什么样子会很有趣It's interesting to note how quickly things have changed.看到形势变化如此之快很有趣The stories are a delight to read.这些故事读起来很有趣Ifound it fascinating to watch the staff at work.我发现看员工们干活儿很有趣The idea sounded interesting and I decided to follow it up.这个想法听起来很有趣,我决定要作进一步的了解。The story's really funny and the illustrations are a delight.这故事很有趣,插图很好看。She's a riot.她是个很有趣的人。




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