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例句 The workers won wage advances.工人们争取到了工资的上涨。Banding together allows growers to negotiate a better price for their crop.种植者们联合起来能在谈判中为自己的农产品争取到较好的价格。Farmers mobilized considerable support against plans to remove import restrictions.农户们争取到了大批支持者来反对取消进口限制的计划。We've leafleted the university today to try to drum up some support.我们今天在大学散发了传单,希望能争取到一些支持。We can accept the management offer or we can fight on in hopes of getting a better offer.我们既可以接受管理层提出的条件,也可以继续斗争,看看是否能够争取到更好的条件。It's not difficult to get money for research or at least it's not always difficult.争取到研究资金并不难,起码不总是那么难。Unsuccessful at screen writing, he got a spot on a CNN film show.写电影剧本未获成功后,他在美国有线新闻网的一档电影节目中争取到了一个固定时段。I won a weekend break in Paris.争取到了一个周末去巴黎度假的机会。The publishers were flushed with triumph when they secured rights to her novel.出版商为争取到她的小说的出版权而兴奋不已。We secured permission to visit the school.我们争取到了参观校园的许可。We are hoping to enlist the cooperation of women's groups.我们希望争取到妇女团体的协助。After much bargaining, Cheng finally secured the services of a teacher.一番讨价还价之后,郑终于争取到了一位教师来任教。She obtained a restraining order forbidding her partner from seeing their two children.争取到了法庭的限制令,禁止她的配偶与他们的两个孩子见面。Allan fought off stiff competition from throughout the UK to win one of only four places at the college.艾伦在全英国的激烈竞争中胜出,争取到那所学院仅有的四个名额中的一个。They lost the work to a competitor.他们输给了对手,未能争取到这项工作。She won an Olympic berth. = She earned a berth on her country's Olympic team.争取到了进入国奥队的资格。By dint of hard work and persistence, she had got the job of manager.靠着勤奋和毅力,她争取到了经理的职位。They are always trying to wring additional funds from the government.他们总想从政府手中争取到额外资金。She managed to secure an exclusive interview with the star.争取到了对这位明星进行专访的机会。The U.S. civil rights movement achieved equal rights legislation for African-Americans.美国民权运动为非洲裔美国人争取到了平权立法。The women have won many new freedoms for themselves.这些妇女为自己争取到了很多新的自由。The company secured a $20 million contract.这家公司争取到了一份二千万美金的合同。He secured a position with the insurance company.争取到了保险公司的一个职位。I secured a place in the final round.在最后一轮中,我争取到了一个名额。He has won over a significant number of the left-wing deputies.争取到了相当数量的左翼代表的支持。He was creeping up to the interviewer, trying to look good.他想讨好面试的主考人,争取到好的印象。Women have yet to achieve wage or occupational parity in many fields.女性在很多领域还没能争取到薪金、职位方面的平等。Campaigners have enlisted the support of the local people.运动领导者已争取到当地人的支持。Using her influence with her husband, Evita Peron won women the right to vote.埃维塔·贝隆运用对丈夫的影响力,为女性争取到了投票权。Schiller secured funds for the special education project.席勒争取到了特别教育项目的资金。He hopes to net some new clients on the golf course this weekend.他希望本周末能在高尔夫球场上争取到一些新客户。We're all counting on winning this contract.我们都指望争取到这份合同。They have lined up a lot of support for their candidate.他们为自己的候选人争取到很多支持。We try to negotiate a safe passage for relief convoys which will travel that stretch of road.我们试图通过谈判为将要经过那段路的救援车队争取到安全通行权。The best hope is that we will mobilize international support and get down to action.最好的希望是我们能争取到国际上的支持,然后采取行动。She won the voters with her warm sense of humor.她用有亲和力的幽默感争取到了选民。I believe that he would be the best possibility to recapture the centre vote in the forthcoming election.我相信在即将来临的选举中,他最有可能重新争取到中间派的选票。We're hoping we can get more senators to oppose the legislation.我们希望能够争取到更多的参议员出面阻止该立法。He is hoping to carve out a much greater role for himself.他希望能争取到更重要的角色。Banks will have to continue competing aggressively for what quality business is around.各家银行将不得不继续为可能争取到的任何优质业务展开激烈竞争。




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