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词汇 很久
例句 The kids parked themselves in front of the TV.孩子们坐着看了很久的电视。The truth about the scandal came out long after he had left office.他离职后很久这则丑闻才真相大白。The significance of the disappearance of the buffalo and the passenger pigeon was not fully comprehended until much later.水牛和旅鸽消失这个问题的重要性直到很久以后才被完全理解。The legal battle is likely to be long.这场官司可能要打很久It's easy to pick holes in a piece of work so long after its publication.在一部已出版很久的作品中找漏洞是很容易的。The programme was well along when he arrived.他到达时,节目已开始很久了。We don't need to stay long; we'll just show the flag at dinner and then get home early.我们不必待很久;我们只要在宴会上露露面,便可早些回家。She deliberated over the decision for a long time before she made up her mind.她就这个决定慎重考虑了很久,然后才打定主意。The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.死去很久的武士的幽灵似乎经常在这个地区出没。She won't be here for long.她不会在这里待很久The flight was badly delayed because of fog.这次航班因有雾而误点很久It was a long time before scientists could penetrate the mystery of the atom.很久以后科学家才洞悉原子的奥秘。We haven't seen them in a coon's age.我们很久没有见到他们了。She's been away for so long. 她已经离开这里很久了。Most high-fiber foods require more chewing.大部分的高纤维食物需要咀嚼很久We've had long discussions round the dinner table.我们在餐桌上讨论了很久I had no inkling of his real purpose until much later.直到后来很久我才对他的真实目的略知一二。Their eyes met long enough for him to see the warning.他们的目光对视了很久,足以让他明白其中的警告。After a long absence I went back to college, hoping to pick up where I'd left off.很久以后,我又回到了大学,希望能继续学业。I lost my way, which delayed me considerably.我迷了路,这使我耽搁了很久I stayed up long past my bedtime.我过了就寝时间很久还没去睡。These vacuum-packed vegetables can keep their freshness for a long time.这些真空包装的蔬菜可以保鲜很久We haven't heard from her for ages.我们已经很久没有她的消息了。It's been an age since we last saw them.自从我们上次见到他们,已经过去很久了。The words lingered in his mind long after they were spoken.那些话说出后很久仍在他脑际萦绕。We haven't seen them in ages!我们很久没有见到他们了!It is a long time since a party leader delivered such a dreadfully flat speech as he did yesterday.很久没有政党领导人作他昨天那样乏味透顶的演说了。We had a long talk about her father, Tony, who was a friend of mine.她爸爸托尼是我的朋友,我们一起谈论了他很久That won't happen until long after I'm dead and gone.那种事不会发生,除非我死后很久He thought it unlikely that the Republican party would be in government for much longer.他认为共和党不大可能还会执政很久I waffled a lot before finally deciding to take the job.我犹豫了很久,最后决定接受这份工作。I got a lot of wear out of these boots.这双靴子我已经穿了很久了。She admits that she's been doing the job so long that she's on cruise control. 她承认这份工作她干了很久,现在已是驾轻就熟。After an eternity, he gave his answer.他过了很久才作答。Long and lonely he paced the dreary beach beneath a wintry sky.在冬天的天空下,他久久而孤独地在阴沉的沙滩上走了很久He had the feeling he might be in for a long wait.他的直觉是自己可能要等很久We seem to have been waiting for ages.我们好像已经等了很久了。It's been a long time since I heard a blackbird's song in the evening.很久没有听见乌鸫的夜鸣了。He's very late - what's keeping him?他迟到了很久,是什么耽搁了他?It was a long, slow drive in the taxi.这次火车之旅历时很久,中途停站时间较长。




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