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词汇 after all
例句 Maybe we can find some hope for humanity after all.或许我们最终能够为人类找到某种希望。Oh, it's nice to sit down after all that waiting.噢,等了那么久,能坐下来真好。Gerry found it difficult to sleep after all the excitements of the day.一天之内发生了这么多令人激动的事,格里感到难以入睡。It's only Tuesday, after all. We have plenty of time.毕竟才星期二。我们有足够的时间。Try not to get depressed - after all, what's the use of worrying?不要沮丧——话说回来,担心又有什么用呢?I've got sore feet after all that walking.走了那么多的路我的脚都走痛了。His face was instantly familiar, even after all those years.即使这么多年过去了,还是一下子认出了他的脸。We should have good water levels through the summer after all this rain.下了这场大雨之后,整个夏季我们都应该有理想的水位。Maybe she was right after all.或许到头来她是对的。He could not, after all, stop all the evil in the world.毕竟他不能阻止世界上所有的恶事。She feels she deserves an apology after all the cruel things you said about her.她觉得你说了她那么多坏话,应该向她道个歉。You should rest your eyes after all that reading.看了那么长时间的书,你应该让眼睛歇歇了。She turned out to be a ruthless undercover agent and not a bit of fluff after all.她原来是个冷酷无情的卧底间谍,根本不是光有长相却没脑子的性感女郎。It's a wonder you recognized me after all these years.真想不到,这么多年不见你还认得出我。I'm sorry, but we've decided not to come after all.对不起,但我们最终还是决定不来了。You can't expect me to trust you after all the other promises you've broken, you know. I wasn't born yesterday.你失信了那么多次,别指望我会信任你了。我又不是三岁小孩子。Companies that donate books or equipment to schools that collect their tokens are not being entirely altruistic - after all, you have to buy the products to get the tokens.公司向获得他们礼券的学校捐赠书本或设备,并非完全出于无私的动机。毕竟,你得去购买他们的产品才能得到这些礼券。They now realize that their hero is, after all, only flesh and blood.他们现在认识到他们的英雄毕竟只是血肉之躯。Even after all our advice, she still did badly! 尽管我们给了她建议,她还是做得很差。It's sad when a marriage breaks up, especially after all those years.婚姻破裂让人心酸,尤其是经历了那么多年的婚姻。There wasn't such a big decline in enrolments after all.注册人数最后没有大量减少。Things weren't so bad, after all. I was among friends again.情况还不是那么糟糕,毕竟我又回到了朋友当中。It was my idea, after all.毕竟,这是我的想法。You decided to come see us after all. Well, bless my soul!天哪!你终于决定来看我们了。I was so tired that I decided against going to the party after all.我实在太累了,因此最后决定不去参加聚会。Aspirin, after all, is the grandfather of all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.阿司匹林毕竟是所有非甾体消炎剂的鼻祖。I decided her father was a decent guy after all.我认为她父亲毕竟是个好人。Gossip, after all, soon wearies.流言蜚语终不能长久。I've got a terrible thirst after all that running.跑了那么长的路,我渴得要命。I couldn't get tickets after all, they were sold out.我最终还是没能弄到票,全都卖完了。No way am I going to look after all three children on my own!我无论如何都不自己一个人照看三个孩子!I've been doing some thinking about this, and I don't think you're right after all.我一直在思考这件事,最终我认为还是你错了。Everything was coming along fine after all.一切居然进行得很顺利。It's about time they buried the hatchet after all these years.过了那么多年,他们该言归于好了。They'll never be friends again after all that has passed between them.他们之间发生了所有那些事情后,再也不会是朋友了。The kids were frisky after all that candy.孩子们吃了那一大堆糖果之后变得欢蹦乱跳的。Perhaps I had misjudged him, and he was not so predictable after all.也许我对他的看法是错误的,毕竟他不是可以让人一眼看透的人。I've got a sore seat after all that horse riding.我骑了这么久的马,现在臀部很痛。Clara was tired and overwrought after all the problems of the last few days.经历了过去几天发生的重重困难之后,克拉拉既疲惫又紧张。Even after all his health problems, he's still eating and drinking too much. Some people never learn.即使已经出现各种健康问题,他仍在暴饮暴食。有些人就是从不吸取教训。




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