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例句 He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.他在酒馆里出售偷来的车载收音机时,被当场抓住。I thought I'd have to wait, but they offered me the job there and then.我原以为我得等着,但他们当场就把那份工作给了我。The police caught him trying to steal the painting.他正要偷这幅画时被警察当场发现。They gave her the job on the spot.他们当场就给了她这份工作。The police can fine motorists on the spot for driving offences.警察可以给违反驾驶规定的驾驶者当场罚款。A teacher surprised the boys smoking cigarettes.一位老师当场撞见这些男孩子在抽烟。It's a shame that when a few people get caught cheating everyone else gets tarred with the same brush.因为某些人作弊被当场发现其他人也被认为是一路货色,实在令人惋惜。We made a bargain on the spot that I would do the work and he would supply the money.我们当场讲定,工作我来做而资金由他提供。The pickpocket was caught in the act.这个扒手在行窃时被当场拿住。He was/got kicked out of the school when he was caught cheating again.他考试再次作弊被当场抓住,被学校开除了。We think that those arguments are rendered invalid by the hard facts on the ground.我们认为那些论点当场即被确凿的事实驳倒了。The newspaper headline was "Bishop Caught In Sex Romp!"报纸标题赫然写着“主教风流当场被捉”。They were caught burglarizing a jewelry store.他们闯入珠宝店盗窃时被当场抓住。He denies all guilt, even though he was caught in the act.他否认所有罪行,即便他是被当场抓住的。The surveyor will use a laptop computer to give on the spot advice.检测员会用一台手提电脑当场给出意见。They caught the thief red-handed.他们当场将小偷抓获。Motorists can be fined on the spot for exceeding speed limits.驾驶者若超速行驶可能被当场罚款。He turned down their proposal then and there.当场就拒绝了他们的建议。Murray was killed instantly by the explosion.默里被当场炸死。The secretary couldn't give the figures offhand.秘书不能当场报出数字来。He planked down his ten thousand.当场付了一万元。He had threatened to brain him then and there.他威胁说要当场揍扁他的脑袋。It was such a good offer that I closed with him on the spot.报价非常合算,我当场就跟他拍板了。Bob caught her snooping through the papers on his desk.鲍勃当场发现她在偷看他书桌上的文件。At the party, the students put him on the spot by asking him to sing.在宴会中,学生们当场请他出来唱歌,真叫他尴尬。He was caught falsifying financial accounts.他篡改财务账目时被当场发现了。Motorists can be fined on the spot for minor offences, such as speeding.汽车驾驶者轻微违反交通法规,如超速行驶之类可当场罚款。He was caught red-handed.他被当场抓住。My driver was killed outright.我的司机当场就死亡了。The emergency building is transported in individual modules, such as bedrooms and a kitchen, which are put together on site.应急住房以单独的组件运输,如卧室和厨房,它们可以当场进行组装。My teacher caught me cheating on a test.老师当场发现我考试作弊。Mary always pays cash down for anything she buys.玛丽买东西总是当场付现金。She was caught with her hands in the till.她偷公司钱的时候被当场抓住。The court slapped a murder rap on him.法庭当场以谋杀罪判他刑。We turned down his proposal then and there.我们当场拒绝他的提议。His girlfriend caught him making it with another girl.他的女友当场抓住他和另外一个女孩发生性关系。He was caught bang to rights by intimate e-mails.他被当场逮到发送暧昧电子邮件。He was caught shoplifting, but the store owner didn't press charges.他在商店行窃被当场抓住,但店主没有起诉他。I caught Alice going through my letters and demanded an immediate explanation.艾丽斯看我的信时被我当场撞见,我坚持要求她立刻解释。The police had him dead to rights.警察当场抓住了他。




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